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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Significance of the year 2012

Sri Amma Bhagavan Speaks - Messages by Sri Bhagavan

Sri Kalki Bhagavan says: Most of you know that the earth has got a magnetic field. As the earth’s molten core is rotating; the magnetic field is created. The thought sphere of the human mind is located in the earth’s magnetic field. This mag-netic field has been weakening dramatically over last ten years.

Now, in physics there is a parameter called “Schumann´s Resonance”. Using that we can determine the strength of the earth’s magnetic field. While for many centuries, it was constant around 7.80 cycles per second, during the last 7-8 years, it has risen to 11 cycles per second and is continuing to increase dramatically. If you work it out mathematically, it appears that, by the year 2012, the "Schuman´s" is likely to be 13 cycles per second. When this reso-nance is 13 cycles per second, the earth’s core would stop rotating with mag-netic field gone, you mind is gone. When I say "your mind", what I mean is your "samskaras". The pressure of the past 11.000 years of samskaras will vanish.

In the Dharma, we also say, “Mind is Karma”. All actions start from your mind. The mind is nothing but a storehouse of samskaras or past life vasanas from which all action emanates. This is stored in the earth’s magnetic field. So in the year 2012, it will become zero for a few days. After that the core will start rotating again. This would be a fresh beginning for man or the dawn of the Golden Age. This is the significance of the year 2012. How do we know, it will happen? The study of fossil records has shown that, it happens roughly after 11.000 years. It’s only a short time away and then we can all start afresh. That is why I want you to become enlightened by 2012. If you are enlight-ened, with all your samskaras gone, we can begin a new yuga, which can be called Sathya Yuga or the Golden Age. Man will enter into a new state of al-tered

As I told you already, the earth’s resonance is increasing which means the earth’s heart is undergoing a transformation. The earth has got a physical body, like you have a body. It has got a consciousness as well. Now as the resonance is increasing the earths heart functioning very differently from before. Now, your heart and the earth’s heart are connected. The earth’s heart can be influ-enced by your heart and vice versa. That is why, it is essential that your heart-beat synchronises with the earth’s resonance. This means your heart must flower. Your heart will
flower when you discover love in your relationships.

If you have discover love, you must stop judging your parents, spouses, etc., internally. Nobody can be judged as the whole universe directly influences all events, even the behaviour of the people.

So learn to experience life. Life has to be experienced, be it pain or pleasure".
- Sri Bhagavan

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Awesome Message from Sri Bhagavan

Another very beautiful message we received from our dasa ANANDJI from the Oneness University in India - valid to all members of the global Oneness community:

From Anandji:
Dear Friends,
I wanted to share something very important with you. Recently we had a Darshan with Sri Bhagavan in a Deepening course. This is a gist of what Bhagavan told ,when answering a participant who asked Bhagavan what to do to receive Grace from Amma Bhagavan and become awakened.

Bhagavan told that we are entering a very important phase and the Grace is going to increase tremendously from October 28th and it will keep increasing tremendously into the year 2012. It is during this phase that many people are going to become awakened.

During this phase there are two things that we need to do regularly:
1. Take deeksha 3 times a day every day , in the morning, afternoon and evening either from the Padukas or the Srimurthy because Amma Bhagavan are going to act through these two sacred icons,
2. Participate in the weekly web cast regularly.We have webcast every Saturday at 10 pm Indian time and Sunday 10am India time. Rest I and Amma will do.

This is what Bhagavan told. I wanted to share this. Please attend the weekly webcast regularly

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why is it difficult to set right relationships ?

Why does it feel so difficult to set the relationships right with one's own family. It's Karma? Could you tell us something about family and collective Karma and what to do about it?

SRI BHAGAVAN: "This problem of relationship must be handled at three levels. At the first level you could use the teachings. Now very often we have bad relationships because we have been conditioned wrongly and we do not have certain insights. So the teaching would help you there.

For example, the teaching says 'to have good relationship start with yourself, not with the other. See who you are,accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are'. When this happens very naturally the other person would see you as you are, would accept you as you are, would love you as you are.

When you say 'I am uncomfortable with that person' what you mean is: you are uncomfortable with some aspect of yourself. Suppose you say I am angry with that person, what it means is, there is something about which you are angry with yourself. When you are restless in a crowd it means you are restless inside yourself. What is happening outside is a mere reflection what is going on inside. If you go still deeper there is no difference between the inside and the outside. It is one.

I will give you an example for this.Some time ago a couple came to meet us and they had very bad relationship.So the lady said this man is a drunkard and I cannot live with him.And the man said she is a flirt and I cannot live with her.That was their problem.So we told them,look,here we do not work on the other,we work on oneself.So we took up the case of the flirt and we said look,we are not going to transform him who is a drunkard,we are going to transform you.So what you should do is ,see,look into yourself as to why you are a flirt,must see that.Having seen that accept that-yes I am a flirt.Accept it.Once you accept it you will start loving yourself,yes I am a flirt,this is what I am.And you fall in love with yourself. Now when this happens very naturally,we were actually working with her,she began to see that man as he is,as to why he is behaving the way he is behaving.She accepted him as he is and she loved him as he is.She did not ask that you must give up drinking.Because she accepted herself and fell in love with herself,she accepted him and loved him.That happened to her.The drunkard on other hand,he was looking into himself,he saw why he was drinking,that he is a drunkard,he accepted that and he fell in love with himself.Once he did that he could also accept her as a flirt,and accept and love her also.Now we did not change the flirt into something else nor the drunkard into something else.They accepted themselves therefore they could accept each other.But something strange happened after that.After that she ceased to be a flirt and he ceased to be a drunkard.But our object was only helping them to accept themselves and love themselves.So teaching can help like that.

The other thing is in relationships we build up images.Suppose you get married you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband.It can happen between any two people.There after the images start relating and you stop experiencing the person.Then also relationship dies.

So in many many ways teachings can help you but that is still only the first level.Sometimes what ever you might do, the mind gets stuck.It will be playing the record again and again and again for 20 years he will be repeating the same thing without any change.That also destroys relationship.You will say ten years ago you did this,twenty years ago you did this.The record goes on and on and on.To stop that you must give a powerful deeksha which can shift the mind into another dimension.There deeksha comes into play and helps you.

Now that also may not work always,in which case you must have to go into Karma.Karma would mean what happened at the moment of conception,what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb.What happened in the womb and how exactly you were delivered,the first six hours after deivery and sometimes you might have to go into past lives.So at that level we can solve any problem.

So first you start applying the teaching.Next you try deeksha.With the teaching it is solved,fine.Otherwise use deeksha.If that does not work then move on to find out Karma.For Karma all that you must do is,you must relax well,move into the hypnogobic state,the state between waking and sleep,move into that state.Take a blessing from the SRI MURTHY and say 'Please AMMA BHAGAVAN show me where the problem is'.We will re rewind the tape and we will exactly show you what went wrong where.We will pin point the problem ie your Karma and then we will re work it.Once we rework it,the entire thing will start off in just twenty four hours.

So that is how you have to handle the problem of relationships.Step by step you have got to move."

SRI BHAGAVAN: "We don't become perfect by changing oneself. We become perfect by being aware and accepting our self as we are."

SRI AMMA BHAGAVAN: "Relationships born out of thought are the main cause for all sorts of problems. Let your heart be the cause for relationships"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


October 28th, 2011 - 6:30pm Indian Time

We are just a months away from 2012!! As this year is approaching we are already witnessing a dramatic shift happening across the world. Spiritually many are evolving, whereas awakening is concerned reports are pouring in of people experiencing awakened states and many are becoming awakened too. Some of these changes became evident after the Feb 11th energy shift.

Now there is going to be yet another energy shift in the month of October which would be very favorable for Awakening and God Realisation. After this wave of energy, the Awakening process is going to accelerate, Deekshas would become more powerful and people will begin to feel strong connection with the divine.

Hence, we would like to invite you and your community to join us on October 28th, 2011 at 6.30 pm Indian time to celebrate this enormous energy shift.

On this momentous day there will be a Special Webcast Meditation and Deeksha with Sri Amma Bhagavan for the Oneness Community. This meditation with Sri Amma Bhagavan will help awaken the kundalini which enables one to experience higher states of consciousness.

We would ask that all the Oneness Communities across the globe to gather in their locations to hold a Oneness Bakthi Yoga event either before or after the Webcast with Sri Amma Bhagavan.

You can either do the Oneness Bhakti Yoga 1 or 2 based on what your community prefers.

The coming together of the Oneness Communities across the Globe during this day will help create a very powerful shift in human consciousness helping bring in the age of Oneness.