Question: How can we enhance the power of our own deeksha giving?
Bhagavan: Basically what should happen, to increase your power of deeksha giving is you should become very clear as to what the other person wants, and then you should see the picture of the solution, as in prayer and you pray to the divine. Now what happens is as you keep doing this, you'll find that you give clearer results. Once you could see that the results are coming, naturally faith increases, and along with faith, the power increases. The more blessings you give, the more is the cleansing of the channels, opening of those that were closed,and the more powerful the blessing becomes.
And besides when me meet on Skype, when we pray or meditate, I'll also be helping the power to keep growing. So there are many ways you could do that. And oneness practice as you know is integrity, if you keep practicing that the deeksha becomes unbelievably powerful. I don't think there is a more powerful tool than the practice of inner integrity. Anyway, don't worry about it, I'll be helping you.Helping you all to grow very, very fast.
Q: Why does it feel so difficult to set the relationships right with ones own family? Is it karma? Is it lack of detachment? Could you tell us about family and collective karma and what to do about it?
Bhagavan: Yes.. This problem of relationship must be handled at three levels. At the first level, you could use the teachings. Now, very often we have bad relationships because we have been conditioned wrongly and we do not have certain insights. So the teaching would help you there.
For example, the teaching says, to have good relationship, start with yourself, not with the other. See who you are, accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are. When this happens, very naturally the other person would see you as you are, would accept you as you are, would love you as you are.
I'll give you an example for this. Some time ago a couple came to meet us and they had very bad relationship. So the lady said "this man is a drunkard and I can not live with him" and the man said "she's a flirt and I can not live with her". That was their problem. So we told them, "Look. Here we do not work on the other, we work on oneself". So we took up the case of the flirt and we said "Look, we are not going to transform him, who's a drunkard. We're going to transform you. So what you should do is, see, look into yourself as to why you are a flirt. First see that. Having seen that, accept that, "yes I am a flirt". Accept it. Once you accept it, you will start loving yourself. "Yes, I am a flirt. This is what I am" and you fall in love with yourself.
[Please Note : 1)If you dont accept..then you will feel guilty and you will judge yourself.Here Bhagavan is asking us to do non-judgumentary seeing.
: 2) Acceptance = Being in good terms with what is there inside without fighting with it]
Now when this happens, very naturally, we were actually working with her, she began to see that man as he is, as to why he is behaving the way he is behaving, she accepted him as he is and she loved him as he is. She did not ask that he must give up drinking. Because she accepted herself and fell in love with herself, she accepted him and loved him. That happened to her.
The drunkard on the other hand, he was looking into himself, he saw why he was drinking, that he is a drunkard, he accepted that and he fell in love with himself. Once he did that, he could also accept her as a flirt and accept and love her also. Now, we did not change the flirt into something else nor the drunkard into something else. They accepted themselves, therefore they could accept each other. But something strange happened after that, after that she ceased to be a flirt and he ceased to be a drunkard. But our objective was only to help them accept themselves and love themselves. So teaching can help like that.
The other thing is, in relationships we build up images. Suppoose you get married, you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband. It can happen between any two people. Thereafter, the images start relating and you stop experiencing the person. Then also, relationship dies. So in many, many ways, teachings can help you. But that is still only the first level.
Sometimes whatever you might do, the mind gets stuck. It will be playing the record again and again and again. For 20 years you will be repeating the same thing without any change. That also destroys the relationship. You'll say "10 years ago you did this, 20 years ago you did this", the record goes on and on and on. To stop that, you must get a powerful deeksha, which can shift the mind into another dimension. There deeksha comes into play and helps you.
Now that also may not work always, in which case you must have to go into karma. Karma would mean, what happened at the moment of conception, what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb, what happened in the womb and how exactly were you delivered, the first six hours after delivery and sometimes you may have to go into past lives. So, at that level we can solve any problem.
So first you start applying the teaching, next you try deeksha. If the teaching dissolves it, fine. Otherwise, use deeksha. If that does not work, then move on to find out karma. For karma, all that you must do is, you must relax well. Move into the hypnagogic state, the state between waking and sleep. Move into that state. Take a blessing from the Sri Murti and say "Please AmmaBhagavan, show me where the problem is". We will rewind the tape and we'll exactly show you what went wrong where. We'll pinpoint the problem, that is your karma, and then we'll rework it. Once we rework it, the entire thing will start off in just 24 hours. So that is how you handle the problem of relationships. Step by step you have got to move. In the forthcoming skypes, I'll go much deeper into this.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Solutions By Sri Bhagavan
Question: How can we enhance the power of our own deeksha giving?
Bhagavan: Basically what should happen, to increase your power of deeksha giving is you should become very clear as to what the other person wants, and then you should see the picture of the solution, as in prayer and you pray to the divine. Now what happens is as you keep doing this, you'll find that you give clearer results. Once you could see that the results are coming, naturally faith increases, and along with faith, the power increases. The more blessings you give, the more is the cleansing of the channels, opening of those that were closed,and the more powerful the blessing becomes.
And besides when me meet on Skype, when we pray or meditate, I'll also be helping the power to keep growing. So there are many ways you could do that. And oneness practice as you know is integrity, if you keep practicing that the deeksha becomes unbelievably powerful. I don't think there is a more powerful tool than the practice of inner integrity. Anyway, don't worry about it, I'll be helping you.Helping you all to grow very, very fast.
Q: Why does it feel so difficult to set the relationships right with ones own family? Is it karma? Is it lack of detachment? Could you tell us about family and collective karma and what to do about it?
Bhagavan: Yes.. This problem of relationship must be handled at three levels. At the first level, you could use the teachings. Now, very often we have bad relationships because we have been conditioned wrongly and we do not have certain insights. So the teaching would help you there.
For example, the teaching says, to have good relationship, start with yourself, not with the other. See who you are, accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are. When this happens, very naturally the other person would see you as you are, would accept you as you are, would love you as you are.
I'll give you an example for this. Some time ago a couple came to meet us and they had very bad relationship. So the lady said "this man is a drunkard and I can not live with him" and the man said "she's a flirt and I can not live with her". That was their problem. So we told them, "Look. Here we do not work on the other, we work on oneself". So we took up the case of the flirt and we said "Look, we are not going to transform him, who's a drunkard. We're going to transform you. So what you should do is, see, look into yourself as to why you are a flirt. First see that. Having seen that, accept that, "yes I am a flirt". Accept it. Once you accept it, you will start loving yourself. "Yes, I am a flirt. This is what I am" and you fall in love with yourself.
[Please Note : 1)If you dont accept..then you will feel guilty and you will judge yourself.Here Bhagavan is asking us to do non-judgumentary seeing.
: 2) Acceptance = Being in good terms with what is there inside without fighting with it]
Now when this happens, very naturally, we were actually working with her, she began to see that man as he is, as to why he is behaving the way he is behaving, she accepted him as he is and she loved him as he is. She did not ask that he must give up drinking. Because she accepted herself and fell in love with herself, she accepted him and loved him. That happened to her.
The drunkard on the other hand, he was looking into himself, he saw why he was drinking, that he is a drunkard, he accepted that and he fell in love with himself. Once he did that, he could also accept her as a flirt and accept and love her also. Now, we did not change the flirt into something else nor the drunkard into something else. They accepted themselves, therefore they could accept each other. But something strange happened after that, after that she ceased to be a flirt and he ceased to be a drunkard. But our objective was only to help them accept themselves and love themselves. So teaching can help like that.
The other thing is, in relationships we build up images. Suppoose you get married, you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband. It can happen between any two people. Thereafter, the images start relating and you stop experiencing the person. Then also, relationship dies. So in many, many ways, teachings can help you. But that is still only the first level.
Sometimes whatever you might do, the mind gets stuck. It will be playing the record again and again and again. For 20 years you will be repeating the same thing without any change. That also destroys the relationship. You'll say "10 years ago you did this, 20 years ago you did this", the record goes on and on and on. To stop that, you must get a powerful deeksha, which can shift the mind into another dimension. There deeksha comes into play and helps you.
Now that also may not work always, in which case you must have to go into karma. Karma would mean, what happened at the moment of conception, what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb, what happened in the womb and how exactly were you delivered, the first six hours after delivery and sometimes you may have to go into past lives. So, at that level we can solve any problem.
So first you start applying the teaching, next you try deeksha. If the teaching dissolves it, fine. Otherwise, use deeksha. If that does not work, then move on to find out karma. For karma, all that you must do is, you must relax well. Move into the hypnagogic state, the state between waking and sleep. Move into that state. Take a blessing from the Sri Murti and say "Please AmmaBhagavan, show me where the problem is". We will rewind the tape and we'll exactly show you what went wrong where. We'll pinpoint the problem, that is your karma, and then we'll rework it. Once we rework it, the entire thing will start off in just 24 hours. So that is how you handle the problem of relationships. Step by step you have got to move. In the forthcoming skypes, I'll go much deeper into this.
Bhagavan: Basically what should happen, to increase your power of deeksha giving is you should become very clear as to what the other person wants, and then you should see the picture of the solution, as in prayer and you pray to the divine. Now what happens is as you keep doing this, you'll find that you give clearer results. Once you could see that the results are coming, naturally faith increases, and along with faith, the power increases. The more blessings you give, the more is the cleansing of the channels, opening of those that were closed,and the more powerful the blessing becomes.
And besides when me meet on Skype, when we pray or meditate, I'll also be helping the power to keep growing. So there are many ways you could do that. And oneness practice as you know is integrity, if you keep practicing that the deeksha becomes unbelievably powerful. I don't think there is a more powerful tool than the practice of inner integrity. Anyway, don't worry about it, I'll be helping you.Helping you all to grow very, very fast.
Q: Why does it feel so difficult to set the relationships right with ones own family? Is it karma? Is it lack of detachment? Could you tell us about family and collective karma and what to do about it?
Bhagavan: Yes.. This problem of relationship must be handled at three levels. At the first level, you could use the teachings. Now, very often we have bad relationships because we have been conditioned wrongly and we do not have certain insights. So the teaching would help you there.
For example, the teaching says, to have good relationship, start with yourself, not with the other. See who you are, accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are. When this happens, very naturally the other person would see you as you are, would accept you as you are, would love you as you are.
I'll give you an example for this. Some time ago a couple came to meet us and they had very bad relationship. So the lady said "this man is a drunkard and I can not live with him" and the man said "she's a flirt and I can not live with her". That was their problem. So we told them, "Look. Here we do not work on the other, we work on oneself". So we took up the case of the flirt and we said "Look, we are not going to transform him, who's a drunkard. We're going to transform you. So what you should do is, see, look into yourself as to why you are a flirt. First see that. Having seen that, accept that, "yes I am a flirt". Accept it. Once you accept it, you will start loving yourself. "Yes, I am a flirt. This is what I am" and you fall in love with yourself.
[Please Note : 1)If you dont accept..then you will feel guilty and you will judge yourself.Here Bhagavan is asking us to do non-judgumentary seeing.
: 2) Acceptance = Being in good terms with what is there inside without fighting with it]
Now when this happens, very naturally, we were actually working with her, she began to see that man as he is, as to why he is behaving the way he is behaving, she accepted him as he is and she loved him as he is. She did not ask that he must give up drinking. Because she accepted herself and fell in love with herself, she accepted him and loved him. That happened to her.
The drunkard on the other hand, he was looking into himself, he saw why he was drinking, that he is a drunkard, he accepted that and he fell in love with himself. Once he did that, he could also accept her as a flirt and accept and love her also. Now, we did not change the flirt into something else nor the drunkard into something else. They accepted themselves, therefore they could accept each other. But something strange happened after that, after that she ceased to be a flirt and he ceased to be a drunkard. But our objective was only to help them accept themselves and love themselves. So teaching can help like that.
The other thing is, in relationships we build up images. Suppoose you get married, you start building up images about your wife and the wife about the husband. It can happen between any two people. Thereafter, the images start relating and you stop experiencing the person. Then also, relationship dies. So in many, many ways, teachings can help you. But that is still only the first level.
Sometimes whatever you might do, the mind gets stuck. It will be playing the record again and again and again. For 20 years you will be repeating the same thing without any change. That also destroys the relationship. You'll say "10 years ago you did this, 20 years ago you did this", the record goes on and on and on. To stop that, you must get a powerful deeksha, which can shift the mind into another dimension. There deeksha comes into play and helps you.
Now that also may not work always, in which case you must have to go into karma. Karma would mean, what happened at the moment of conception, what were your mother's thoughts when you were being carried in the womb, what happened in the womb and how exactly were you delivered, the first six hours after delivery and sometimes you may have to go into past lives. So, at that level we can solve any problem.
So first you start applying the teaching, next you try deeksha. If the teaching dissolves it, fine. Otherwise, use deeksha. If that does not work, then move on to find out karma. For karma, all that you must do is, you must relax well. Move into the hypnagogic state, the state between waking and sleep. Move into that state. Take a blessing from the Sri Murti and say "Please AmmaBhagavan, show me where the problem is". We will rewind the tape and we'll exactly show you what went wrong where. We'll pinpoint the problem, that is your karma, and then we'll rework it. Once we rework it, the entire thing will start off in just 24 hours. So that is how you handle the problem of relationships. Step by step you have got to move. In the forthcoming skypes, I'll go much deeper into this.
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