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Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
About Karma?
Q) How to be free of karma?
You can not become free of Karma totally because it is not your Karma and moreover there is no YOU at all in the first place. I told you the "Self" is only an illusion, it can just disappear. So how could there be your karma?Now, often, you find that you are being distracted by various thoughts. Just like we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide; we breathe in thoughts and we breathe out thoughts. There is the thought sphere which contains all the thoughts of people who have lived from last 11 thousand years. All their experiences, ideas, views etc. are stored here. This is called Human karma. This human karma is flowing through you. Like, for example, you are living in the city of Chennai that is polluted; you have to breathe in that polluted air. You can not escape it or be free of it. So, it is this Man's karma that is influencing you all the time. But then can man be free of all the present karma accumulated in all these thousands of years? Yes, it is possible!Now, where do you think the thought sphere is stored? These thoughts are stored in the earth's magnetic field. Whatever has happened in the last 11 thousand years is stored here. I told you about Schumann's resonance (earth's heart beat) which used to be 7.8 cycles per second and has now become 11 cycles per second and if you work mathematically, in the year 2012 it is going to be 13 cycles per sec. and, when this happens the earth's magnetic field would vanish or would become very, very weak for about 3 days. Now, we have the earth's core which is rotating and that is responsible for the magnetic field. The earth itself is passing through what is called the photon belt, which is what is slowing it down. So, it will slow down and probably come to zero when the earth's resonance is 13 cycles/sec. and then it would start rotating again, but in the opposite direction. Has this happened before? Yes, we have plenty of fossil evidence to show that this has happened almost every 11 thousand years. And more so, almost all the ancient scriptures of the world from India to Tibet, China to South America to Central America…All speak of this phenomenon. Now suppose, you are programming the computer and there is a power failure, the entire program is deleted. That is why you have the uninterrupted power supply, the U.P.S. Just the same way, when the earth's resonance reaches 13 cycles per second; there is some kind of power failure and the magnetic field vanishes and when the magnetic field vanishes the thoughts stored there also would vanish. With that, all the records of 11 thousand years go away. When this happens, man would become free of karma. This has happened many times and there are scriptures that speak about this. But now even if you are enlightened, you are not going to be free of karma. Even Ramana or you must breathe in the same air. The only difference is Ramana doesn't suffer psychologically as his "self" has dissolved. But for karma to dissolve completely and not come back, a minimum of 60,000 people must have become enlightened by 2012.
You have to do sadhana until a point. This Sadhana we call No Sadhana. The Technical word in the Dharma is No Sadhana – Sadhana. Why do we call it that way? As far as we are concerned, there are two beings inside you – one is the authentic being and the other is inauthentic being. These two are always having a dialogue. Now you have the option of being authentic or being inauthentic. Let us say a visitor comes to your house, whom you don't like. Now, the authentic being can very well say – "Sir, I don't like you, please don't enter my house." That is one stand that you can take i.e. being authentic. The other stand is "Sir, Please welcome, welcome, how nice of you to come." That is the inauthentic stand. Now there is a third thing that is possible. Whether you are authentic or inauthentic, that is your business, what we are saying is there is a third being who is a witness to the whole thing, who makes no comments, who does not say you must be authentic or inauthentic , he is just witnessing the whole thing like witnessing a movie. Now this witness can be created in a matter of 21 days through a little effort. So all that we want is, we want you to create this witness and to witness the dramas that is going on all the time, 24 hours of the day. This dialogue is going on in some form or the other. Now witnessing this drama is what we call as Sadhana. This is the one and only Sadhana, which we have in the Dharma. But the Sadhana is so enjoyable, it gives you so much Ananda and joy that we don't want to call it Sadhana, therefore we say NO SADHANA. It becomes "No Sadhana Sadhana". Sadhana means where you put in some effort and struggle. But, Ashrama means no shrama at all. Similarly here, this as a strange kind of Sadhana where there is no strain and effort. Once you get a hang of it, thereafter you keep on doing it very naturally all time and whatever is happening irrespective of the dialogue and the content you will enjoy. Now the dialogue can be of jealousy and anger, the inauthentic side might be trying be jealous, the authentic side might be telling 'look you are trying to be jealous', the inauthentic side might be giving excuses "No No No it's proper and its fine". Whatever is happening we are not bothered. The contents of your mind are not important to us. How you perceive it is our question. Do you perceive it in a neutral way, not taking sides, just watching what's going on? If you do that to us it is Sadhana, it gives you tremendous joy. Once you have learnt to just watch all the thoughts, comments, anger, selfishness, ego, fear, etc. in your mind without distorting it, then you will be called to go through a special process, which is the transfer of grace. We would actually work on your physical brain, but which the dialogue is stopped. "The cessation of the dialogue is what is called Enlightenment." If just witnessing the dialogue is Ananda then the complete cessation of the dialogue is Paramananda. It would become a permanent state. You will be fully functional, you will be in the world, and you will not give up whatever you are doing. Yet you will experience Paramananda. When you drink a glass of water you can not describe what is the joy involved in it!!! Talking to your wife would be the greatest experience. All that is will be the same. There is no change in it, only the way you experience it becomes totally different, even the dialogue stops. But for the process to be done you have start witnessing the dialogue. You have to get there. For that my teachings would help you. If you get there, then you are ready for our process, they will invite you here, you will have to come here for 15 to 20 days. And then we will stop the dialogue and the results are very physical. When you are looking at the tree for example, it would be looking very different to you, when you breathe it would be different, everything would be different, and that is how you are designed to be. That is the job if the DNA to have done that kind of thing, but the DNA has failed. I am a kind of 'of a mechanic', who is an engineer who is doing some kind of a repair, getting the DNA to do its job.If you were to speak in very technical terms the brain is rearranged. If you want to be like a Ramana Maharshi, you can never be, because Ramana's brain was different, you can not be Eistein, as Einstein's brain is different, Buddha is different, Ramakrishna, Buddha, JD Krishnamurthy or Christ, you are not going to be a Buddha; you are not going to be a Christ. Try as you might, you can never get it. All that you can get is you can get more clarify into your life and possibly you might want to get that state. Even if you stand on your head for million years, you are not going to get it, because it is not a psychological process it is purely a biological process. You can do nothing. That's why I keep telling people not to waste time by reading books, you will be reading and reading you will get no where, it will build more conflict in you, you want to get there but you cannot, what is the point? You can read Sri Aurobindo for years but you are not going to become Sri Aurobindo. He is different. So you have to be made different like him. What I am saying. "Look, come I'll make you different." I will do it. That is where I differ from other teachers is, they depend on a teaching. Well I too give a teaching but the teaching is directed and helping you to watch this dialogue that's all and then no teaching can help you. It has to be given to you because you put it on yourself and going to somebody who can do it. Then you realize your full potential as a human being. What is there in your life you tell me? It's a mediocre life. Even if you occupy very high positions, like itself is mediocre isn't it?There is fear, anger, anxiety and violence all like anybody else. There is much more to life. Otherwise what is there? Everyday you will be planning, are you living in the present? Certainly not. Everyday is planning, planning, planning. There is nothing wrong in planning but you are not experiencing life. You are not experiencing your breathing, your walk, drinking a glass of water etc. It's the most wonderful experiences. So the human being really does not live a true life. He does sorrow management, he escapes his problems, he never confronts himself, and this is how people live. All this, you would call enjoyment, I wouldn't call enjoyment, it is very different. What you have succeeded is in managing basic suffering. The core of your being is nothing but fear, loneliness, and emptiness. You are tying to fill this up by attaining name, fame, money etc. I am not criticizing that. I myself help people do that. That's why I operate on 2 fronts. I help people in their business, getting their children married. On the other side after fulfilling those things, now I say, have a look at this now. After all in Hinduism we have Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksha. It is Artha for Moksha, Dharma for Moksha and Kama for Moksha. But today Artha – money is only for maney's sake or for fulfillment of the desire or just being Dharmic and being righteous for the sake of being righteous, there is no use. You all have to get connected there. That is what we are trying to do.
Why future is influenced by past?
We are basically creating our future. Mind is creating the future. Now, what is mind? It is thought. What is thought? Thought is Memory and memory is nothing but past experiences. So, past is flowing though the present and the future. If there is no memory, there is no thought, no mind and if there is no mind then there is no future also. There is no other way to think except thought and thought is memory that is nothing but the PAST. If you understand this process you can prevent the mistakes of the past creating themselves. That's why it is very important to know, to be aware of what is going on in your mind. Whatever is happening in the outside world, sickness, diseases, failures etc. are all the manifestations of the past. If we want to create a positive future then the past patterns and conditioning have to be broken and a new set of patterns must emerge within us. This is what is done in a Samskara Shuddhi. Amma and I help (mystically) in relieving the past traumas and in healing them and ultimately putting in a new script that is auspicious.
You can not become free of Karma totally because it is not your Karma and moreover there is no YOU at all in the first place. I told you the "Self" is only an illusion, it can just disappear. So how could there be your karma?Now, often, you find that you are being distracted by various thoughts. Just like we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide; we breathe in thoughts and we breathe out thoughts. There is the thought sphere which contains all the thoughts of people who have lived from last 11 thousand years. All their experiences, ideas, views etc. are stored here. This is called Human karma. This human karma is flowing through you. Like, for example, you are living in the city of Chennai that is polluted; you have to breathe in that polluted air. You can not escape it or be free of it. So, it is this Man's karma that is influencing you all the time. But then can man be free of all the present karma accumulated in all these thousands of years? Yes, it is possible!Now, where do you think the thought sphere is stored? These thoughts are stored in the earth's magnetic field. Whatever has happened in the last 11 thousand years is stored here. I told you about Schumann's resonance (earth's heart beat) which used to be 7.8 cycles per second and has now become 11 cycles per second and if you work mathematically, in the year 2012 it is going to be 13 cycles per sec. and, when this happens the earth's magnetic field would vanish or would become very, very weak for about 3 days. Now, we have the earth's core which is rotating and that is responsible for the magnetic field. The earth itself is passing through what is called the photon belt, which is what is slowing it down. So, it will slow down and probably come to zero when the earth's resonance is 13 cycles/sec. and then it would start rotating again, but in the opposite direction. Has this happened before? Yes, we have plenty of fossil evidence to show that this has happened almost every 11 thousand years. And more so, almost all the ancient scriptures of the world from India to Tibet, China to South America to Central America…All speak of this phenomenon. Now suppose, you are programming the computer and there is a power failure, the entire program is deleted. That is why you have the uninterrupted power supply, the U.P.S. Just the same way, when the earth's resonance reaches 13 cycles per second; there is some kind of power failure and the magnetic field vanishes and when the magnetic field vanishes the thoughts stored there also would vanish. With that, all the records of 11 thousand years go away. When this happens, man would become free of karma. This has happened many times and there are scriptures that speak about this. But now even if you are enlightened, you are not going to be free of karma. Even Ramana or you must breathe in the same air. The only difference is Ramana doesn't suffer psychologically as his "self" has dissolved. But for karma to dissolve completely and not come back, a minimum of 60,000 people must have become enlightened by 2012.
You have to do sadhana until a point. This Sadhana we call No Sadhana. The Technical word in the Dharma is No Sadhana – Sadhana. Why do we call it that way? As far as we are concerned, there are two beings inside you – one is the authentic being and the other is inauthentic being. These two are always having a dialogue. Now you have the option of being authentic or being inauthentic. Let us say a visitor comes to your house, whom you don't like. Now, the authentic being can very well say – "Sir, I don't like you, please don't enter my house." That is one stand that you can take i.e. being authentic. The other stand is "Sir, Please welcome, welcome, how nice of you to come." That is the inauthentic stand. Now there is a third thing that is possible. Whether you are authentic or inauthentic, that is your business, what we are saying is there is a third being who is a witness to the whole thing, who makes no comments, who does not say you must be authentic or inauthentic , he is just witnessing the whole thing like witnessing a movie. Now this witness can be created in a matter of 21 days through a little effort. So all that we want is, we want you to create this witness and to witness the dramas that is going on all the time, 24 hours of the day. This dialogue is going on in some form or the other. Now witnessing this drama is what we call as Sadhana. This is the one and only Sadhana, which we have in the Dharma. But the Sadhana is so enjoyable, it gives you so much Ananda and joy that we don't want to call it Sadhana, therefore we say NO SADHANA. It becomes "No Sadhana Sadhana". Sadhana means where you put in some effort and struggle. But, Ashrama means no shrama at all. Similarly here, this as a strange kind of Sadhana where there is no strain and effort. Once you get a hang of it, thereafter you keep on doing it very naturally all time and whatever is happening irrespective of the dialogue and the content you will enjoy. Now the dialogue can be of jealousy and anger, the inauthentic side might be trying be jealous, the authentic side might be telling 'look you are trying to be jealous', the inauthentic side might be giving excuses "No No No it's proper and its fine". Whatever is happening we are not bothered. The contents of your mind are not important to us. How you perceive it is our question. Do you perceive it in a neutral way, not taking sides, just watching what's going on? If you do that to us it is Sadhana, it gives you tremendous joy. Once you have learnt to just watch all the thoughts, comments, anger, selfishness, ego, fear, etc. in your mind without distorting it, then you will be called to go through a special process, which is the transfer of grace. We would actually work on your physical brain, but which the dialogue is stopped. "The cessation of the dialogue is what is called Enlightenment." If just witnessing the dialogue is Ananda then the complete cessation of the dialogue is Paramananda. It would become a permanent state. You will be fully functional, you will be in the world, and you will not give up whatever you are doing. Yet you will experience Paramananda. When you drink a glass of water you can not describe what is the joy involved in it!!! Talking to your wife would be the greatest experience. All that is will be the same. There is no change in it, only the way you experience it becomes totally different, even the dialogue stops. But for the process to be done you have start witnessing the dialogue. You have to get there. For that my teachings would help you. If you get there, then you are ready for our process, they will invite you here, you will have to come here for 15 to 20 days. And then we will stop the dialogue and the results are very physical. When you are looking at the tree for example, it would be looking very different to you, when you breathe it would be different, everything would be different, and that is how you are designed to be. That is the job if the DNA to have done that kind of thing, but the DNA has failed. I am a kind of 'of a mechanic', who is an engineer who is doing some kind of a repair, getting the DNA to do its job.If you were to speak in very technical terms the brain is rearranged. If you want to be like a Ramana Maharshi, you can never be, because Ramana's brain was different, you can not be Eistein, as Einstein's brain is different, Buddha is different, Ramakrishna, Buddha, JD Krishnamurthy or Christ, you are not going to be a Buddha; you are not going to be a Christ. Try as you might, you can never get it. All that you can get is you can get more clarify into your life and possibly you might want to get that state. Even if you stand on your head for million years, you are not going to get it, because it is not a psychological process it is purely a biological process. You can do nothing. That's why I keep telling people not to waste time by reading books, you will be reading and reading you will get no where, it will build more conflict in you, you want to get there but you cannot, what is the point? You can read Sri Aurobindo for years but you are not going to become Sri Aurobindo. He is different. So you have to be made different like him. What I am saying. "Look, come I'll make you different." I will do it. That is where I differ from other teachers is, they depend on a teaching. Well I too give a teaching but the teaching is directed and helping you to watch this dialogue that's all and then no teaching can help you. It has to be given to you because you put it on yourself and going to somebody who can do it. Then you realize your full potential as a human being. What is there in your life you tell me? It's a mediocre life. Even if you occupy very high positions, like itself is mediocre isn't it?There is fear, anger, anxiety and violence all like anybody else. There is much more to life. Otherwise what is there? Everyday you will be planning, are you living in the present? Certainly not. Everyday is planning, planning, planning. There is nothing wrong in planning but you are not experiencing life. You are not experiencing your breathing, your walk, drinking a glass of water etc. It's the most wonderful experiences. So the human being really does not live a true life. He does sorrow management, he escapes his problems, he never confronts himself, and this is how people live. All this, you would call enjoyment, I wouldn't call enjoyment, it is very different. What you have succeeded is in managing basic suffering. The core of your being is nothing but fear, loneliness, and emptiness. You are tying to fill this up by attaining name, fame, money etc. I am not criticizing that. I myself help people do that. That's why I operate on 2 fronts. I help people in their business, getting their children married. On the other side after fulfilling those things, now I say, have a look at this now. After all in Hinduism we have Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksha. It is Artha for Moksha, Dharma for Moksha and Kama for Moksha. But today Artha – money is only for maney's sake or for fulfillment of the desire or just being Dharmic and being righteous for the sake of being righteous, there is no use. You all have to get connected there. That is what we are trying to do.
Why future is influenced by past?
We are basically creating our future. Mind is creating the future. Now, what is mind? It is thought. What is thought? Thought is Memory and memory is nothing but past experiences. So, past is flowing though the present and the future. If there is no memory, there is no thought, no mind and if there is no mind then there is no future also. There is no other way to think except thought and thought is memory that is nothing but the PAST. If you understand this process you can prevent the mistakes of the past creating themselves. That's why it is very important to know, to be aware of what is going on in your mind. Whatever is happening in the outside world, sickness, diseases, failures etc. are all the manifestations of the past. If we want to create a positive future then the past patterns and conditioning have to be broken and a new set of patterns must emerge within us. This is what is done in a Samskara Shuddhi. Amma and I help (mystically) in relieving the past traumas and in healing them and ultimately putting in a new script that is auspicious.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Questions With the Solutions given by Sri AmmaBhagavan
Press Interview-Bhagavan
Kannada Prabha Press Interview Given by Sri Kalki Bhagavan
Life has its own wonderful ways of teaching us and enlightening us. Being a journalist every alley of life interests me and I am propelled to explore every nook and corner of it. When one of the members of the Kalki movement invited me to visit the Ashram and see how human lives have been altered, how happy communities have been created – not through a social revolution but through a silent yet powerful spiritual awakening, I was intrigued. A general perception in society has always been that, happiness can happen only through a quantitative change in life but here was someone telling me something quite the contrary. I was totally hooked. There was no way I could miss this opportunity.
Through out the entire journey from Bangalore, there were so many questions arising within the mind. How? Who is this wonderful being? What is his power? Is all this a fact of a utopic concept? I couldn’t wait to know.
My curious mind didn’t have to wait long for the answer. As we panned by a winding road leading to the Ashram, I was amazed by the sight that beheld me. I stopped the car to have a better view. Beside a simple hut there stood a few buffalos and milking one of them was a villager grinning ear to ear as he sang and milked them. Standing a few feet away from him was a lady (presumably his wife), watching him again with a broad smile on her gentle face. People smile and people SMILE! Even at a distance I could see that the grin was vacant. It was causeless, yet there was so much joy. I had never seen such undiluted joy in my life. The devotee sitting next to me laughed looking at my amazed expression and said, “Wait to watch. This is just the beginning. You have seen just one ‘Munirathnam’”.
As we approached the Ashram, the devotee again stopped the car in front of a gathering of people, sitting under a tree in the village. A lady was speaking and several others were listening with rapt attention. As we approached the group, the lady Raniamma looked up and glanced at me. Again I was stuck by the serene expression in her eyes. Her eyes were silent, yet her entire countenance was exploding with joy. The devotee said, “Raniamma, tell this sir about your state”. Raniamma replied, ”Where am I to speak, the state will speak”. Listening to this profound statement from a simple village woman, made me believe that this is no utopic concept – this is reality.
As we approached the Ashram, situated amidst the mountains, the beauty of the place itself held me spell bound. As we entered the Ashram, I saw the white clad Bhagavad Dasas (Disciples of Kalki) moving around helping people, guiding people, sometimes laughing and lending a helping hand to the devotees. Everywhere I saw, I could only see happy people.
That day, a process called the “Mukthi Oneness Blessing” was happening at the Ashram. A Dasa explained that the Oneness Blessing was a process of “Transfer of an altered state”. She further stated that the Oneness Blessing would happen in the presence of Sri Kalki Himself and that He would be transferring the state through His power. She also explained that people entered into tremendous joy and silence after the Oneness Blessing. I waited with baited breath.
As the moment of Sri Kalki’s arrival drew close, I saw myself feeling surges of joy from within. It was as though I was also experiencing a glimpse of that ananda that all the people in the Ashram were experiencing.
The sacred moment dawned. Sri Kalki entered the Dhyana Vihar. I was transported back in time. The whole process felt so ancient, so powerful, so sacred. I saw many moving instantly into raptures and states of ecstasy. Some, unable to contain that surge of energy were rolling, some with silent tears of joy, some laughing and some absolutely still.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! What was I beholding! Nothing could explain this phenomenon. I was speechless, yet many more questions were coming to me. How is all this happening? Who is Kalki indeed?
The devotee seeing my question said, “Wait! All your questions will be answered. Sri Kalki has granted you an audience. We will be meeting Him in an hour’s time. That hour seemed like eternity. Finally the moment arrived and I was ushered into His presence.
Question: Bhagavan, what is the difference between your teachings and the other great teachings?
Sri Kalki: Basically, for example, other teachers say, “Be aware of your mind. Be a witness…” and all those things. What I am saying is, “It is not possible for man. Most teachings are impractical. If one tries to practice it, he might actually go into certain problems you know. Like, he may become insane. People will become depressed, all kinds of problem will occur. People may commit suicide. Many things will happen like that, because those teachings cannot be practiced. For example, they talk about “Practicing Awareness”. That’s impossible! To practice it. But, my statement is – They are describing their state. They did not practice those things and get that state. They got that state. Because they got that state, it was possible for them to be aware of. Without the state you cannot be aware of. Similarly, when it comes to Ramana Maharishi, my stand is - Ramana Maharishi first had a death experience. Therefore the question “Who am I” made sense to him. But to a person without a death experience it won’t make any sense. So, my stand is – Most teachings won’t work. They give some clarity about life. But then you cannot practice them, because you must be in an altered state of consciousness. Then it is very natural.
For example, it is very natural for a man to be jealous, very natural for a man to be angry. So, if you are talking about not being jealous, not being angry - you must be like a Buddha or a Christ. Buddha and Christ had a different state of consciousness. So, my stand is, I will give you that state. Once I have given you that state, then naturally you have no jealousy, you have no anger, you have no frustration, you have love and bliss. But you can’t try to get love, because the love that we are talking about is unconditional love. However much you try you can’t get there. You are full of jealousy. Through effort you can’t get to non-jealousy. From jealousy you can only go into jealousy, you can’t go into non- jealousy. So whatever you do, you are trapped.So my whole thing is – this whole thing is not a psychological process. It is a biological process. Now what I do is, I basically work on the human brain to activate this mystical power. So infact I myself don’t have to work directly also. These Dasas who are enlightened, they are in tune with me. Everyday we do this process. I transfer the power to them and they inturn will go and touch. Then, as they touch, the brain undergoes a transformation. So, to me, if you take Ramana Maharishi, his brain underwent that transformation. Therefore Ramana Maharishi is in that state. Jiddu Krishnamurthy is in that state because his brain underwent that process. A Buddha is a Buddha because his brain underwent that process. So, unless your brain also undergoes that process, you cannot be a Buddha, you cannot be a Ramana Maharishi, you cannot be a Jiddu Krishnamurthy. You cannot be anybody.
So that is why I am telling, all teachings are useless. All that they can do is that they can make you into a seeker. You start desiring for it. They are describing Bombay, so begin to seek Bombay. You know there is no way for you to get to Bombay, because you must undergo the same Neuro-Biological transformation that these teachers underwent. What is involved here is Neuro-Biology. So what we give is called the “Oneness Blessing”. the Oneness Blessing is transfer of power to certain parts of the brain. Then certain parts get activated, certain parts get deactivated and you can get into any spiritual states you seek for. It could be a Christian state, it could be an Islamic state, it could be a Buddhist state, or a Taoist state. So each of these states depend on a particular activity of the brain. So I belong to all faiths. I have Christians, I have Muslims in the movement, you know. So whatever state you want I can give it to you. So, my whole teaching is – IT HAS TO BE GIVEN TO YOU.
Question: Is there any difference between the various states you mentioned – the Buddhist, Islam, Christian and the Taoist states?
Sri Kalki: There is a difference. A Buddhist state will be, for example, technically when we speak, you know what is called the Agneya Chakra? If that Chakra is activated you get a Buddhist state. If Visshudhi is activated you get a Islamic state. If Anahatha is activated you get a Christian state. If the Sahasrara is activated you get a Hindu state. So these Chakras are actually located in different parts of the brain. But what is common is, in all those states there is no suffering. There is love. There is joy. But the actual experience is different between each state. So as far as I am concerned, you choose your state and I am prepared to give you that state. I can just give it to you, because I know what technicality is behind it. WITHOUT KNOWING THE TECHNICALITY, SIMPLY GOING ON TALKING, TALKING, TALKING, WHAT IS THE USE? AND THE POOR SEEKER GOES ON LISTENING TO TEACHINGS. BUT THINGS WON’T HAPPEN. HE’LL LOOSE INTEREST IN HIS FAMILY LIFE, HE’LL LOOSE INTEREST IN THE WORLD. ULTIMATELY HE’LL BECOME DEPRESSED. 30 TO 40 YEARS HE WILL BE SEEKING. HE WILL BE DOING SADHANA. HE’LL GET SOME PEACE, SOME JOY, BUT NO PROGRESS. HE BEGINS TO LOOSE INTEREST IN SPIRITUALITY AND RELIGION. HE BECOMES FRUSTRATED. THEN ULTIMATELY HE BECOMES A NUISANCE IN THE FAMILY ITSELF. BEING A FRUSTRATED MAN HE CANNOT ENJOY LIFE. SO HE BECOMES A BURDEN ON OTHERS. ANYBODY WHO IS UNHAPPY, WHO IS FRUSTRATED, WHO IS SUFFERING, HE WILL CAUSE TROUBLE TO OTHERS.
So that is why I do not believe in propagating teachings. My thing is – Come, straight away get the state. After you have got the state, use the teachings to understand the state. Suppose you are in a Buddhist state, the Buddhist teachings will help you know exactly where you are. A Christian teaching will help you get clarity into a Christian state. The teachings come after the state, not before. SO I MAINTAIN, ALL TEACHERS ARE PUTTING THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE. So, if you are a good teacher, give the seeker the state. Give it to him first. After having given it, then give the teaching. You may give a little in the beginning to help him seek. That’s all. Then quickly go on to the state itself. IF YOU HAVE NO ABILITY TO GIVE THE STATE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK.
Suppose I am talking to you something, I must be in a position to give you that state. If I cannot give you, I should not talk. I should not say – “Oh, so beautiful my state is. You also try, you will get it.” Well, it does not happen that way. Ramana Maharishi did not apply his teachings to himself. He first got the state. It happened to him. Then he began to speak. Jiddu Krishanmurthy, did not apply his teachings. He got the state. Thereafter he began to talk. So, is there any single teacher who has applied his teaching and got there? Nobody. So when you have not applied and got there, how is it you teach others? You are telling, “You practice compassion, you practice love, you over come lust”. Is it so easy to overcome lust? Do this and do that. And the poor fellow keeps trying and trying. And the enlightened person is made into a model. He thinks that’s how you become that. He is trying and he is ruined. That is why I am against the practice of spirituality. So in that way I am very very different from other teachers. They say – Nobody can give it to you. You have to make it on your own. I am telling, “Till dooms day you will not make it on your own. It has to be given to you”. Exactly opposite. That’s where we differ.
Everyday I am producing hundreds of sages. You can come and see. It’ll take 3 to 4 minutes. That’s all. One touch and a seer is produced. You can meet the villagers – Muniamma, Kuppamma, Munuswamy – in unimaginable states. All that happened was just one touch. Then the teachings come out. NOW IF THEY TALK, THEY WILL EXCEL SOME OF THE GREATEST TEACHERS OF ALL TIMES. BECAUSE THEIR STATE IS TALKING. You can see live people, ordinary people, ordinary villagers, not just one or two – hundreds. Fully enlightened, who can do miracles, healing miracles. So, this is a strange village. Even as you walk you will be meeting Ramana Maharishis and Buddhas. But only things is they are not as famous as Ramana Maharishi and Buddha. They are ordinary people. That is the only difference. When you talk you will know. “My goddness what is this!” They have been produced liked that.
If you are a true guru, you must produce it. Otherwise why do you teach ?
Question: Is this movement based on scientific theories?
Sri Kalki: Mine is purely science. See if I meet a Neuro-Biologist, I will talk to him in terms of temporal lobes, parietal lobes - so I will talk in terms of pure science. So I go hand in hand with science. I welcome science and I believe the day has come when science and spirituality go together. So for me everything is science only.
Miracles do happen. This movement is producing healers everyday. So we train up people to be very good healers. Some miracles I do myself.
If you talk of science, there was a lady recently whose tongue was cut off in the cancer institute. Now the tongue has come. But, they are not speaking a word about it. They are only telling that Chemotherapy was done and it became alright. They are not speaking one word about the growth of the tongue. That, I am saying is not science. If you are true to science you must say, “The tongue has grown”. You must investigate it. How can you suppress a fact? When you have cut a tongue and the tongue has come back. This does not happen in western countries.
Question: Bhagavan, are you God?
Sri Kalki: Basically, it is like this. God essentially is unmanifest. That is, He cannot be seen, He cannot be spoken to. But He is there. But since you cannot see, you cannot speak to, He is as good as not being there as far as you are concerned.
Then, the God that people normally talk about is the God who you call as Antaryamin. i.e., He can be seen inside, you can talk inside; He can appear to so many and disappear. That’s what people normally refer to as God. Sometimes God can incarnate in physical form. That’s what is called an Avatar. I am an Avatar. In that sense I am God. But if you ask me – am I that unmanifest God right now, I am certainly not because I am fully physical. But I am God in the sense that I am an Avatar. So, God has these three faces. The example I give for this is - steam, water and ice. They are the same thing. As steam, it is everywhere. You can’t control it. A liquid is more controlled, but still it is moving. Ice is much more solid. The physical Avatar is something very solid. So, Miracles happen around the physical Avatar. You can come to me. You can talk to me about your problem. The problem is solved. If you come to me, I can say, “OK, this will happen, that will happen”. Many, many miracles will happen. Now, it is very easy to contact me than to contact the manifested God and still more difficult to contact the unmanifest God. That is the advantage. You take my picture and you talk to me. The response comes back.
And I am not claiming that I am the only Avatar. There have been Avatars from time to time. The world is full of Avatars through whom God is acting. That’s all.
Question: How can we tackle the Ayodhya issue?
Sri Kalki: To me all problems, whether they are economical problems, or political problems, they all emanate from one basic problem. That is, man is not Enlightened. So, if one problem disappears, another problem will crop up, if you are not Enlightened. Today, it might be Ayhodhya, tomorrow it might be something else. So the ultimate solution is that man must become Enlightened. And I maintain that large numbers of people will become Enlightened, starting from June 2004 and by September-November 2012, most of humanity will be Enlightened. When that happens? The problem will just disappear. That is my solution to the world’s problems. I don’t believe in national boundaries. Dividing the world into nations, into countries, into religions – as long as there are divisions there will be suffering. All divisions must go. If all divisions must go, the ‘Self’ must go. That is Enlightenment. Unless man becomes Enlightened, there will one problem or the other. Say there is water in the pipe. If you press it here, it will bulge somewhere else. If you press it there, it will bulge somewhere else again. Ayodhya might go, something else might crop up. Where is the end to all this ? So, the ultimate solution is that man must be transformed. If man is going to live the way he is living, he will destroy himself. With all these nuclear weapons, ecological pollutions and other conflicts. We are only racing towards destruction. Unless there is a transformation in his consciousness and he becomes a totally new being, there is no hope for man. I am interested in man’s problem. That will take care of this problem also.
Suppose Hindus and Muslims, they can no more see themselves as Hindus and Muslims, where is the Ayodhya problem? But otherwise where is the solution? The same thing can be applied for India-Pakistan also. It also boils down to a religious problem only. And you must out grow religion, which means you must outgrow the ‘Self’. So, we need a radical transformation of man, which is possible. I never talk about that which is impossible. I can demonstrate to you that it is possible.
Question: What is the root cause of fundamentalism? How can it be rooted out?
Sri Kalki: You see, fundamentalism is basically because people are not able to cope up with the changes that are happening. The world is moving too, too, too fast. So the old is not prepared to give way to the new. If you are not prepared to give way to the new, then fundamentalism arises. It can be Islamic fundamentalism, it can be Christian fundamentalism, it can be Hindu fundamentalism. But the fact is we cannot stop these changes from occurring. So, more changes are likely to take place and there could be a growth in fundamentalism also. Again and again I see only Enlightenment as the solution, because the world is growing very very fast. You are not prepared to give up your old ways, which means you have become a fundamentalist. That’s what is happening. Islamic world is not able to cope up with the changes that are occurring and that is the root cause of fundamentalism. So, if you must be able to cope up with these changes, you must outgrow the ‘Self’. So, ultimately, you come back to enlightenment as the solution.
Question: How can we achieve this kind of Enlightenment?
Sri Kalki: What I am maintaining is - 60,000 people must become fully enlightened. If 60,000 people become fully enlightened, all else is automatic. i.e. Automatically everywhere people will become enlightened. That’s all. It’s automatic. A natural process. But to trigger it 60,000 people must go into a very high state of enlightenment. If they emerge on the planet, then the whole planet will be in that state. So my work is only to produce those 60,000 people. So, I believe that by 2012 I will be able to achieve it. Latest is 2012. It could well happen before that. When that happens, their mere presence on the planet brings the transformation. You don’t have to know about the movement, come to the movement, nothing. Wherever you are, suddenly one fine morning you will be enlightened. You’ll become very calm, loving and peaceful. It’s natural. It happens. That’s all. That’s what we are doing. So we have allotted some numbers to every country. We have people in every country. All are working towards this. So, if 60,000 people if we successfully reach, it’s all over.
Question: What is your vision and mission?
Sri Kalki: My vision is that there must be the Golden Age by 2012. My mission is to make 60,000 people enlightened. That’s my mission. The way is – I give Deeskha. That’s my vision, mission and way. I simply give Oneness Blessing. I am not asking you to do some terrible practice. You simply come and take Oneness Blessing. That’s all. You are enlightened. Like this I want 60,000 people.
Question: Is the state you intend to give a permanent and irreversible one?
Sri Kalki: Yes, yes. Because this is a Neuro-Biological transformation. It is not psychological. If it is psychological, it’ll come, it’ll go. I am not working on the software. I am working on the hardware - the brain itself. I am bringing about the mutation of the brain. Because when the brain has changed, the hardware has changed. It’s permanent. If it’s only in the software, it’ll be there for a few days, few hours, few minutes, few seconds and go away. This is a hardware transformation. You can meet these enlightened people actually to understand this transformation. I am not talking about something that is going to happen in the future. I am talking about things that have happened. Its finished. We have every country. We have Japanese, we have Russians, we have Americans, we have Swedes, we have Indians, all in these states. We are producing more and more. That’s what it is. We are basically giving it to people.
Question: After bringing in the Golden Age, what is next?
Sri Kalki: See, the ‘next’ is of no consequence to me at all. Because what would have happened is, in the Golden Age, people would be happy. My only goal is to make people happy. Once that happens, it’s Good Bye. They can do whatever they want. I have no other goal. It is to make people happy. That’s all. After that they should be full of joy and bliss. There should no suffering. If a person is happy – eating, drinking, walking – everything is joy for him. So, whether he is driving a Bullock cart on the road, that’s not my problem. But you should be happy.
Question: Can you tell us about your transformation from Vijay Kumar to Kalki Bhagavan?
Sri Kalki: See, there has been no psychological transformation in my consciousness. From day one, it has been the same.
Question: Who is your guru?
Sri Kalki: I have no guru. It is not that I was seeking enlightenment and I finally became enlightened. For me from day one it’s the same thing. This Vijay Kumar to Kalki transformation happened in a place called Somangalam, Madras, where we had retreats. Some people began to see me coming in a horse – a vision, with a sword and all that. So they began to use the word Kalki. Slowly it began to spread. And they were composing some songs and they were singing. That’s how it got stuck. We made some efforts to remove that name. But the more we made efforts the more it got stuck. Especially, people in North India refused to accept any other name.
But I am not saying that I am the Kalki of the puranas. That Kalki who is suppose to come after some 4 lakh years, when people will become so small that they will climb up a brinjal plant on a ladder. So I am not claiming all those things at all. Simply it’s a name. What I am maintaining is – Yes, I can give Enlightenment. I have the power to give Enlightenment. This is the highest. In India it is believed that only the greatest Avatar of God can give Enlightenment. That’s the general belief. You can do miracles, but giving Enlightenment is a different story. I am not claiming anything more. You come, whether you have faith or not, belief or not, I can still give it to you. That’s all there is to it.
Question: Is there Mukthi? Is it possible to achieve?
Sri Kalki: Yes … hundreds achieved Mukthi. Thousands infact. Not just hundreds. Its not a question of – can they achieve. They have achieved it. It’s over. You should meet and talk to them. You must meet Mukthas.
Question: Is it possible to picturise that state of mind?
Sri Kalki: You can’t picturise it.
Question: Do all the Mukthas have miraculous power?
Sri Kalki: Not exactly. Some have the power to heal and some don’t have. Not that every Muktha has got the power to do something. Some have, some don’t have. That depends upon what you are seeking. Some have no interest in miracles, so for such people we won’t give those powers.
Question: Is it possible to eliminate Human suffering through Dhyana?
Sri Kalki: See, Dhyana can help reduce the suffering a little bit. Beyond that any Sadhanas are useless. All Sadhanas are only upto a point. After that the returns are not there. It’s not worth it. Upto a point, yes it’s OK. The only solution is Enlightenment. When Enlightenment happens you are in a state of Dhyana 24 hours.
Question: For all social, political and economical problems, is Enlightenment the solution?
Sri Kalki: Yes.
Question: Only solution?
Sri Kalki: Yes. The only solution. The ultimate solution. Let us say a man and a woman are fighting. Suppose he or she is enlightened, there is no fight. The Gundas in this Village (Varadhayapalem, Andhra Pradesh) are conducting Sathsang now. This is a place where, when I came, people told me – Why did you come to this place? It is such a terrible place. Full of wife-beating. I said – I want exactly that place. Today the Gundas are conducting sathsangs. So what has happened is transformation. They don’t drink. There is no wife beating. Everything has happened. Here, water used to stagnate and there used to be cesspool everywhere. Now everybody is co-operating. So, there is drainage and water does not stagnate anywhere. There is a health revolution taking place. People have stopped drinking. There is no wife beating. There is love in the family. Everything is changing, through Enlightenment. What could not be achieved by any rural organization has been achieved by transforming the person.
Question: What is the real meaning of Enlightenment?
Sri Kalki: See, to be enlightened is not to feel separate from the other. You are there. You feel you are separate from all these people. Suppose you are to become enlightened, you will say you only are the other. If you feel that way, where can there be conflict? There can only be love. Isn’t it? That’s all there is to it. And always there is happiness also. A happy person cannot trouble others. An unhappy person will be pinching other. Will give pain to others. After Enlightenment nobody gives trouble to another. Everybody is happy. You will find in this village, all people gathering, singing and dancing. All kinds. Caste is not a problem. Once you are Enlightened there is no caste. The Harijan, the Bramhin, all will be singing and dancing. Everything goes off. The caste is gone. Muslims dancing with Hindus – you can see it in this village. Everything has happened because they are in a different state. They are all helping. You don’t find street fights. Completely transformed. And we had taken up this place because it was a horrible place. That’s where we have proved it. Total transformation.
Every month we are having a program. Atleast 500 people come for Enlightenment from the local villages. People are standing in a queue, because we cannot take more than that. It is spreading very fast. Imagine the whole of India Enlightened. Then, what happens to all the problems that we are talking about? There is a coolie in this village who is Enlightened. Now, every rich man wants her to come their house and perform Kalasha Pooja in their house. It’s a pride to invite her to their house now. All social dynamics have changed.
Westerners are also watching us very closely, because their interest is that, if it can be done in other in other countries then terrorism can be avoided. That is their interest. Therefore they are studying us very closely. How come people are getting transformed so suddenly? Because this does not take much time. Yesterday you were very ordinary. Today you are transformed. Just 24 hours. And it’s irreversible and permanent. So what more can somebody ask for? Poor people in villages are dancing in joy and they call their dance “The dance of Freedom”. Even the richest man in Karnataka cannot have 1/1000th of their joy. And ofcourse along with this joy you will also become prosperous. The mind is so clear. Whatever they touch, it is successful.
Question: If Veerapan or Bin Laden are given the Oneness Blessing, will they also be transformed?
Sri Kalki: Yes. If you bring Veerappan or Bin Laden, they’ll be completely transformed. It’ll be over. Anybody can be transformed. Straight from jail you can bring them. In regular jails of Andra Pradesh, we brought about tremendous transformation. Strangely their cases have been dismissed and they all have gone out also without criticizing the Government (at Srikakulam). We have also had requests from other countries like Siberia to go and work in their jails.
Question: What are the means to become happy?
Sri Kalki: To me happiness is when you help others. But helping others is not so easy. When I do this Neuro-Biologial transformation, you naturally feel like helping others. And as you help others you become happy. You can try and see. When you help you become happy. But you must be naturally helping others, which is a state of mind.
Question: What is your expectation from the press?
Sri Kalki: The press must play a very constructive role in building the society. It is very often portraying negative news. It must do something very positive because it is a very powerful tool. It can really push people to do certain things. If that can be achieved it is a great thing.
Question: How is it going to be in the next 10 years?
Sri Kalki: I am producing Enlightened people by the hundreds everyday. Soon its going to be an explosion. I will say this is the last phase of man. It is like – Man has been building a house for so many thousands of years now. And 2004 to 2012 is the grahapravesham. Man has reached the final stage after all these years of struggle. You will see a very different world, which you cannot even imagine now and it will happen very fast. Very very fast
Kannada Prabha Press Interview Given by Sri Kalki Bhagavan
Life has its own wonderful ways of teaching us and enlightening us. Being a journalist every alley of life interests me and I am propelled to explore every nook and corner of it. When one of the members of the Kalki movement invited me to visit the Ashram and see how human lives have been altered, how happy communities have been created – not through a social revolution but through a silent yet powerful spiritual awakening, I was intrigued. A general perception in society has always been that, happiness can happen only through a quantitative change in life but here was someone telling me something quite the contrary. I was totally hooked. There was no way I could miss this opportunity.
Through out the entire journey from Bangalore, there were so many questions arising within the mind. How? Who is this wonderful being? What is his power? Is all this a fact of a utopic concept? I couldn’t wait to know.
My curious mind didn’t have to wait long for the answer. As we panned by a winding road leading to the Ashram, I was amazed by the sight that beheld me. I stopped the car to have a better view. Beside a simple hut there stood a few buffalos and milking one of them was a villager grinning ear to ear as he sang and milked them. Standing a few feet away from him was a lady (presumably his wife), watching him again with a broad smile on her gentle face. People smile and people SMILE! Even at a distance I could see that the grin was vacant. It was causeless, yet there was so much joy. I had never seen such undiluted joy in my life. The devotee sitting next to me laughed looking at my amazed expression and said, “Wait to watch. This is just the beginning. You have seen just one ‘Munirathnam’”.
As we approached the Ashram, the devotee again stopped the car in front of a gathering of people, sitting under a tree in the village. A lady was speaking and several others were listening with rapt attention. As we approached the group, the lady Raniamma looked up and glanced at me. Again I was stuck by the serene expression in her eyes. Her eyes were silent, yet her entire countenance was exploding with joy. The devotee said, “Raniamma, tell this sir about your state”. Raniamma replied, ”Where am I to speak, the state will speak”. Listening to this profound statement from a simple village woman, made me believe that this is no utopic concept – this is reality.
As we approached the Ashram, situated amidst the mountains, the beauty of the place itself held me spell bound. As we entered the Ashram, I saw the white clad Bhagavad Dasas (Disciples of Kalki) moving around helping people, guiding people, sometimes laughing and lending a helping hand to the devotees. Everywhere I saw, I could only see happy people.
That day, a process called the “Mukthi Oneness Blessing” was happening at the Ashram. A Dasa explained that the Oneness Blessing was a process of “Transfer of an altered state”. She further stated that the Oneness Blessing would happen in the presence of Sri Kalki Himself and that He would be transferring the state through His power. She also explained that people entered into tremendous joy and silence after the Oneness Blessing. I waited with baited breath.
As the moment of Sri Kalki’s arrival drew close, I saw myself feeling surges of joy from within. It was as though I was also experiencing a glimpse of that ananda that all the people in the Ashram were experiencing.
The sacred moment dawned. Sri Kalki entered the Dhyana Vihar. I was transported back in time. The whole process felt so ancient, so powerful, so sacred. I saw many moving instantly into raptures and states of ecstasy. Some, unable to contain that surge of energy were rolling, some with silent tears of joy, some laughing and some absolutely still.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! What was I beholding! Nothing could explain this phenomenon. I was speechless, yet many more questions were coming to me. How is all this happening? Who is Kalki indeed?
The devotee seeing my question said, “Wait! All your questions will be answered. Sri Kalki has granted you an audience. We will be meeting Him in an hour’s time. That hour seemed like eternity. Finally the moment arrived and I was ushered into His presence.
Question: Bhagavan, what is the difference between your teachings and the other great teachings?
Sri Kalki: Basically, for example, other teachers say, “Be aware of your mind. Be a witness…” and all those things. What I am saying is, “It is not possible for man. Most teachings are impractical. If one tries to practice it, he might actually go into certain problems you know. Like, he may become insane. People will become depressed, all kinds of problem will occur. People may commit suicide. Many things will happen like that, because those teachings cannot be practiced. For example, they talk about “Practicing Awareness”. That’s impossible! To practice it. But, my statement is – They are describing their state. They did not practice those things and get that state. They got that state. Because they got that state, it was possible for them to be aware of. Without the state you cannot be aware of. Similarly, when it comes to Ramana Maharishi, my stand is - Ramana Maharishi first had a death experience. Therefore the question “Who am I” made sense to him. But to a person without a death experience it won’t make any sense. So, my stand is – Most teachings won’t work. They give some clarity about life. But then you cannot practice them, because you must be in an altered state of consciousness. Then it is very natural.
For example, it is very natural for a man to be jealous, very natural for a man to be angry. So, if you are talking about not being jealous, not being angry - you must be like a Buddha or a Christ. Buddha and Christ had a different state of consciousness. So, my stand is, I will give you that state. Once I have given you that state, then naturally you have no jealousy, you have no anger, you have no frustration, you have love and bliss. But you can’t try to get love, because the love that we are talking about is unconditional love. However much you try you can’t get there. You are full of jealousy. Through effort you can’t get to non-jealousy. From jealousy you can only go into jealousy, you can’t go into non- jealousy. So whatever you do, you are trapped.So my whole thing is – this whole thing is not a psychological process. It is a biological process. Now what I do is, I basically work on the human brain to activate this mystical power. So infact I myself don’t have to work directly also. These Dasas who are enlightened, they are in tune with me. Everyday we do this process. I transfer the power to them and they inturn will go and touch. Then, as they touch, the brain undergoes a transformation. So, to me, if you take Ramana Maharishi, his brain underwent that transformation. Therefore Ramana Maharishi is in that state. Jiddu Krishnamurthy is in that state because his brain underwent that process. A Buddha is a Buddha because his brain underwent that process. So, unless your brain also undergoes that process, you cannot be a Buddha, you cannot be a Ramana Maharishi, you cannot be a Jiddu Krishnamurthy. You cannot be anybody.
So that is why I am telling, all teachings are useless. All that they can do is that they can make you into a seeker. You start desiring for it. They are describing Bombay, so begin to seek Bombay. You know there is no way for you to get to Bombay, because you must undergo the same Neuro-Biological transformation that these teachers underwent. What is involved here is Neuro-Biology. So what we give is called the “Oneness Blessing”. the Oneness Blessing is transfer of power to certain parts of the brain. Then certain parts get activated, certain parts get deactivated and you can get into any spiritual states you seek for. It could be a Christian state, it could be an Islamic state, it could be a Buddhist state, or a Taoist state. So each of these states depend on a particular activity of the brain. So I belong to all faiths. I have Christians, I have Muslims in the movement, you know. So whatever state you want I can give it to you. So, my whole teaching is – IT HAS TO BE GIVEN TO YOU.
Question: Is there any difference between the various states you mentioned – the Buddhist, Islam, Christian and the Taoist states?
Sri Kalki: There is a difference. A Buddhist state will be, for example, technically when we speak, you know what is called the Agneya Chakra? If that Chakra is activated you get a Buddhist state. If Visshudhi is activated you get a Islamic state. If Anahatha is activated you get a Christian state. If the Sahasrara is activated you get a Hindu state. So these Chakras are actually located in different parts of the brain. But what is common is, in all those states there is no suffering. There is love. There is joy. But the actual experience is different between each state. So as far as I am concerned, you choose your state and I am prepared to give you that state. I can just give it to you, because I know what technicality is behind it. WITHOUT KNOWING THE TECHNICALITY, SIMPLY GOING ON TALKING, TALKING, TALKING, WHAT IS THE USE? AND THE POOR SEEKER GOES ON LISTENING TO TEACHINGS. BUT THINGS WON’T HAPPEN. HE’LL LOOSE INTEREST IN HIS FAMILY LIFE, HE’LL LOOSE INTEREST IN THE WORLD. ULTIMATELY HE’LL BECOME DEPRESSED. 30 TO 40 YEARS HE WILL BE SEEKING. HE WILL BE DOING SADHANA. HE’LL GET SOME PEACE, SOME JOY, BUT NO PROGRESS. HE BEGINS TO LOOSE INTEREST IN SPIRITUALITY AND RELIGION. HE BECOMES FRUSTRATED. THEN ULTIMATELY HE BECOMES A NUISANCE IN THE FAMILY ITSELF. BEING A FRUSTRATED MAN HE CANNOT ENJOY LIFE. SO HE BECOMES A BURDEN ON OTHERS. ANYBODY WHO IS UNHAPPY, WHO IS FRUSTRATED, WHO IS SUFFERING, HE WILL CAUSE TROUBLE TO OTHERS.
So that is why I do not believe in propagating teachings. My thing is – Come, straight away get the state. After you have got the state, use the teachings to understand the state. Suppose you are in a Buddhist state, the Buddhist teachings will help you know exactly where you are. A Christian teaching will help you get clarity into a Christian state. The teachings come after the state, not before. SO I MAINTAIN, ALL TEACHERS ARE PUTTING THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE. So, if you are a good teacher, give the seeker the state. Give it to him first. After having given it, then give the teaching. You may give a little in the beginning to help him seek. That’s all. Then quickly go on to the state itself. IF YOU HAVE NO ABILITY TO GIVE THE STATE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK.
Suppose I am talking to you something, I must be in a position to give you that state. If I cannot give you, I should not talk. I should not say – “Oh, so beautiful my state is. You also try, you will get it.” Well, it does not happen that way. Ramana Maharishi did not apply his teachings to himself. He first got the state. It happened to him. Then he began to speak. Jiddu Krishanmurthy, did not apply his teachings. He got the state. Thereafter he began to talk. So, is there any single teacher who has applied his teaching and got there? Nobody. So when you have not applied and got there, how is it you teach others? You are telling, “You practice compassion, you practice love, you over come lust”. Is it so easy to overcome lust? Do this and do that. And the poor fellow keeps trying and trying. And the enlightened person is made into a model. He thinks that’s how you become that. He is trying and he is ruined. That is why I am against the practice of spirituality. So in that way I am very very different from other teachers. They say – Nobody can give it to you. You have to make it on your own. I am telling, “Till dooms day you will not make it on your own. It has to be given to you”. Exactly opposite. That’s where we differ.
Everyday I am producing hundreds of sages. You can come and see. It’ll take 3 to 4 minutes. That’s all. One touch and a seer is produced. You can meet the villagers – Muniamma, Kuppamma, Munuswamy – in unimaginable states. All that happened was just one touch. Then the teachings come out. NOW IF THEY TALK, THEY WILL EXCEL SOME OF THE GREATEST TEACHERS OF ALL TIMES. BECAUSE THEIR STATE IS TALKING. You can see live people, ordinary people, ordinary villagers, not just one or two – hundreds. Fully enlightened, who can do miracles, healing miracles. So, this is a strange village. Even as you walk you will be meeting Ramana Maharishis and Buddhas. But only things is they are not as famous as Ramana Maharishi and Buddha. They are ordinary people. That is the only difference. When you talk you will know. “My goddness what is this!” They have been produced liked that.
If you are a true guru, you must produce it. Otherwise why do you teach ?
Question: Is this movement based on scientific theories?
Sri Kalki: Mine is purely science. See if I meet a Neuro-Biologist, I will talk to him in terms of temporal lobes, parietal lobes - so I will talk in terms of pure science. So I go hand in hand with science. I welcome science and I believe the day has come when science and spirituality go together. So for me everything is science only.
Miracles do happen. This movement is producing healers everyday. So we train up people to be very good healers. Some miracles I do myself.
If you talk of science, there was a lady recently whose tongue was cut off in the cancer institute. Now the tongue has come. But, they are not speaking a word about it. They are only telling that Chemotherapy was done and it became alright. They are not speaking one word about the growth of the tongue. That, I am saying is not science. If you are true to science you must say, “The tongue has grown”. You must investigate it. How can you suppress a fact? When you have cut a tongue and the tongue has come back. This does not happen in western countries.
Question: Bhagavan, are you God?
Sri Kalki: Basically, it is like this. God essentially is unmanifest. That is, He cannot be seen, He cannot be spoken to. But He is there. But since you cannot see, you cannot speak to, He is as good as not being there as far as you are concerned.
Then, the God that people normally talk about is the God who you call as Antaryamin. i.e., He can be seen inside, you can talk inside; He can appear to so many and disappear. That’s what people normally refer to as God. Sometimes God can incarnate in physical form. That’s what is called an Avatar. I am an Avatar. In that sense I am God. But if you ask me – am I that unmanifest God right now, I am certainly not because I am fully physical. But I am God in the sense that I am an Avatar. So, God has these three faces. The example I give for this is - steam, water and ice. They are the same thing. As steam, it is everywhere. You can’t control it. A liquid is more controlled, but still it is moving. Ice is much more solid. The physical Avatar is something very solid. So, Miracles happen around the physical Avatar. You can come to me. You can talk to me about your problem. The problem is solved. If you come to me, I can say, “OK, this will happen, that will happen”. Many, many miracles will happen. Now, it is very easy to contact me than to contact the manifested God and still more difficult to contact the unmanifest God. That is the advantage. You take my picture and you talk to me. The response comes back.
And I am not claiming that I am the only Avatar. There have been Avatars from time to time. The world is full of Avatars through whom God is acting. That’s all.
Question: How can we tackle the Ayodhya issue?
Sri Kalki: To me all problems, whether they are economical problems, or political problems, they all emanate from one basic problem. That is, man is not Enlightened. So, if one problem disappears, another problem will crop up, if you are not Enlightened. Today, it might be Ayhodhya, tomorrow it might be something else. So the ultimate solution is that man must become Enlightened. And I maintain that large numbers of people will become Enlightened, starting from June 2004 and by September-November 2012, most of humanity will be Enlightened. When that happens? The problem will just disappear. That is my solution to the world’s problems. I don’t believe in national boundaries. Dividing the world into nations, into countries, into religions – as long as there are divisions there will be suffering. All divisions must go. If all divisions must go, the ‘Self’ must go. That is Enlightenment. Unless man becomes Enlightened, there will one problem or the other. Say there is water in the pipe. If you press it here, it will bulge somewhere else. If you press it there, it will bulge somewhere else again. Ayodhya might go, something else might crop up. Where is the end to all this ? So, the ultimate solution is that man must be transformed. If man is going to live the way he is living, he will destroy himself. With all these nuclear weapons, ecological pollutions and other conflicts. We are only racing towards destruction. Unless there is a transformation in his consciousness and he becomes a totally new being, there is no hope for man. I am interested in man’s problem. That will take care of this problem also.
Suppose Hindus and Muslims, they can no more see themselves as Hindus and Muslims, where is the Ayodhya problem? But otherwise where is the solution? The same thing can be applied for India-Pakistan also. It also boils down to a religious problem only. And you must out grow religion, which means you must outgrow the ‘Self’. So, we need a radical transformation of man, which is possible. I never talk about that which is impossible. I can demonstrate to you that it is possible.
Question: What is the root cause of fundamentalism? How can it be rooted out?
Sri Kalki: You see, fundamentalism is basically because people are not able to cope up with the changes that are happening. The world is moving too, too, too fast. So the old is not prepared to give way to the new. If you are not prepared to give way to the new, then fundamentalism arises. It can be Islamic fundamentalism, it can be Christian fundamentalism, it can be Hindu fundamentalism. But the fact is we cannot stop these changes from occurring. So, more changes are likely to take place and there could be a growth in fundamentalism also. Again and again I see only Enlightenment as the solution, because the world is growing very very fast. You are not prepared to give up your old ways, which means you have become a fundamentalist. That’s what is happening. Islamic world is not able to cope up with the changes that are occurring and that is the root cause of fundamentalism. So, if you must be able to cope up with these changes, you must outgrow the ‘Self’. So, ultimately, you come back to enlightenment as the solution.
Question: How can we achieve this kind of Enlightenment?
Sri Kalki: What I am maintaining is - 60,000 people must become fully enlightened. If 60,000 people become fully enlightened, all else is automatic. i.e. Automatically everywhere people will become enlightened. That’s all. It’s automatic. A natural process. But to trigger it 60,000 people must go into a very high state of enlightenment. If they emerge on the planet, then the whole planet will be in that state. So my work is only to produce those 60,000 people. So, I believe that by 2012 I will be able to achieve it. Latest is 2012. It could well happen before that. When that happens, their mere presence on the planet brings the transformation. You don’t have to know about the movement, come to the movement, nothing. Wherever you are, suddenly one fine morning you will be enlightened. You’ll become very calm, loving and peaceful. It’s natural. It happens. That’s all. That’s what we are doing. So we have allotted some numbers to every country. We have people in every country. All are working towards this. So, if 60,000 people if we successfully reach, it’s all over.
Question: What is your vision and mission?
Sri Kalki: My vision is that there must be the Golden Age by 2012. My mission is to make 60,000 people enlightened. That’s my mission. The way is – I give Deeskha. That’s my vision, mission and way. I simply give Oneness Blessing. I am not asking you to do some terrible practice. You simply come and take Oneness Blessing. That’s all. You are enlightened. Like this I want 60,000 people.
Question: Is the state you intend to give a permanent and irreversible one?
Sri Kalki: Yes, yes. Because this is a Neuro-Biological transformation. It is not psychological. If it is psychological, it’ll come, it’ll go. I am not working on the software. I am working on the hardware - the brain itself. I am bringing about the mutation of the brain. Because when the brain has changed, the hardware has changed. It’s permanent. If it’s only in the software, it’ll be there for a few days, few hours, few minutes, few seconds and go away. This is a hardware transformation. You can meet these enlightened people actually to understand this transformation. I am not talking about something that is going to happen in the future. I am talking about things that have happened. Its finished. We have every country. We have Japanese, we have Russians, we have Americans, we have Swedes, we have Indians, all in these states. We are producing more and more. That’s what it is. We are basically giving it to people.
Question: After bringing in the Golden Age, what is next?
Sri Kalki: See, the ‘next’ is of no consequence to me at all. Because what would have happened is, in the Golden Age, people would be happy. My only goal is to make people happy. Once that happens, it’s Good Bye. They can do whatever they want. I have no other goal. It is to make people happy. That’s all. After that they should be full of joy and bliss. There should no suffering. If a person is happy – eating, drinking, walking – everything is joy for him. So, whether he is driving a Bullock cart on the road, that’s not my problem. But you should be happy.
Question: Can you tell us about your transformation from Vijay Kumar to Kalki Bhagavan?
Sri Kalki: See, there has been no psychological transformation in my consciousness. From day one, it has been the same.
Question: Who is your guru?
Sri Kalki: I have no guru. It is not that I was seeking enlightenment and I finally became enlightened. For me from day one it’s the same thing. This Vijay Kumar to Kalki transformation happened in a place called Somangalam, Madras, where we had retreats. Some people began to see me coming in a horse – a vision, with a sword and all that. So they began to use the word Kalki. Slowly it began to spread. And they were composing some songs and they were singing. That’s how it got stuck. We made some efforts to remove that name. But the more we made efforts the more it got stuck. Especially, people in North India refused to accept any other name.
But I am not saying that I am the Kalki of the puranas. That Kalki who is suppose to come after some 4 lakh years, when people will become so small that they will climb up a brinjal plant on a ladder. So I am not claiming all those things at all. Simply it’s a name. What I am maintaining is – Yes, I can give Enlightenment. I have the power to give Enlightenment. This is the highest. In India it is believed that only the greatest Avatar of God can give Enlightenment. That’s the general belief. You can do miracles, but giving Enlightenment is a different story. I am not claiming anything more. You come, whether you have faith or not, belief or not, I can still give it to you. That’s all there is to it.
Question: Is there Mukthi? Is it possible to achieve?
Sri Kalki: Yes … hundreds achieved Mukthi. Thousands infact. Not just hundreds. Its not a question of – can they achieve. They have achieved it. It’s over. You should meet and talk to them. You must meet Mukthas.
Question: Is it possible to picturise that state of mind?
Sri Kalki: You can’t picturise it.
Question: Do all the Mukthas have miraculous power?
Sri Kalki: Not exactly. Some have the power to heal and some don’t have. Not that every Muktha has got the power to do something. Some have, some don’t have. That depends upon what you are seeking. Some have no interest in miracles, so for such people we won’t give those powers.
Question: Is it possible to eliminate Human suffering through Dhyana?
Sri Kalki: See, Dhyana can help reduce the suffering a little bit. Beyond that any Sadhanas are useless. All Sadhanas are only upto a point. After that the returns are not there. It’s not worth it. Upto a point, yes it’s OK. The only solution is Enlightenment. When Enlightenment happens you are in a state of Dhyana 24 hours.
Question: For all social, political and economical problems, is Enlightenment the solution?
Sri Kalki: Yes.
Question: Only solution?
Sri Kalki: Yes. The only solution. The ultimate solution. Let us say a man and a woman are fighting. Suppose he or she is enlightened, there is no fight. The Gundas in this Village (Varadhayapalem, Andhra Pradesh) are conducting Sathsang now. This is a place where, when I came, people told me – Why did you come to this place? It is such a terrible place. Full of wife-beating. I said – I want exactly that place. Today the Gundas are conducting sathsangs. So what has happened is transformation. They don’t drink. There is no wife beating. Everything has happened. Here, water used to stagnate and there used to be cesspool everywhere. Now everybody is co-operating. So, there is drainage and water does not stagnate anywhere. There is a health revolution taking place. People have stopped drinking. There is no wife beating. There is love in the family. Everything is changing, through Enlightenment. What could not be achieved by any rural organization has been achieved by transforming the person.
Question: What is the real meaning of Enlightenment?
Sri Kalki: See, to be enlightened is not to feel separate from the other. You are there. You feel you are separate from all these people. Suppose you are to become enlightened, you will say you only are the other. If you feel that way, where can there be conflict? There can only be love. Isn’t it? That’s all there is to it. And always there is happiness also. A happy person cannot trouble others. An unhappy person will be pinching other. Will give pain to others. After Enlightenment nobody gives trouble to another. Everybody is happy. You will find in this village, all people gathering, singing and dancing. All kinds. Caste is not a problem. Once you are Enlightened there is no caste. The Harijan, the Bramhin, all will be singing and dancing. Everything goes off. The caste is gone. Muslims dancing with Hindus – you can see it in this village. Everything has happened because they are in a different state. They are all helping. You don’t find street fights. Completely transformed. And we had taken up this place because it was a horrible place. That’s where we have proved it. Total transformation.
Every month we are having a program. Atleast 500 people come for Enlightenment from the local villages. People are standing in a queue, because we cannot take more than that. It is spreading very fast. Imagine the whole of India Enlightened. Then, what happens to all the problems that we are talking about? There is a coolie in this village who is Enlightened. Now, every rich man wants her to come their house and perform Kalasha Pooja in their house. It’s a pride to invite her to their house now. All social dynamics have changed.
Westerners are also watching us very closely, because their interest is that, if it can be done in other in other countries then terrorism can be avoided. That is their interest. Therefore they are studying us very closely. How come people are getting transformed so suddenly? Because this does not take much time. Yesterday you were very ordinary. Today you are transformed. Just 24 hours. And it’s irreversible and permanent. So what more can somebody ask for? Poor people in villages are dancing in joy and they call their dance “The dance of Freedom”. Even the richest man in Karnataka cannot have 1/1000th of their joy. And ofcourse along with this joy you will also become prosperous. The mind is so clear. Whatever they touch, it is successful.
Question: If Veerapan or Bin Laden are given the Oneness Blessing, will they also be transformed?
Sri Kalki: Yes. If you bring Veerappan or Bin Laden, they’ll be completely transformed. It’ll be over. Anybody can be transformed. Straight from jail you can bring them. In regular jails of Andra Pradesh, we brought about tremendous transformation. Strangely their cases have been dismissed and they all have gone out also without criticizing the Government (at Srikakulam). We have also had requests from other countries like Siberia to go and work in their jails.
Question: What are the means to become happy?
Sri Kalki: To me happiness is when you help others. But helping others is not so easy. When I do this Neuro-Biologial transformation, you naturally feel like helping others. And as you help others you become happy. You can try and see. When you help you become happy. But you must be naturally helping others, which is a state of mind.
Question: What is your expectation from the press?
Sri Kalki: The press must play a very constructive role in building the society. It is very often portraying negative news. It must do something very positive because it is a very powerful tool. It can really push people to do certain things. If that can be achieved it is a great thing.
Question: How is it going to be in the next 10 years?
Sri Kalki: I am producing Enlightened people by the hundreds everyday. Soon its going to be an explosion. I will say this is the last phase of man. It is like – Man has been building a house for so many thousands of years now. And 2004 to 2012 is the grahapravesham. Man has reached the final stage after all these years of struggle. You will see a very different world, which you cannot even imagine now and it will happen very fast. Very very fast
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Diksha (Deeksha) - Section A – Article #8
Diksha (Deeksha) - Section A – Article #8
- Bhagavan on Carry Over -T
A Sadhak once asked his teacher, "Master, Why can't I remain peaceful, in spite of doing so many spiritual sadhanas. Why can't I be devoid of suffering in spite of reading so many spiritual books and listening to religious discourses? Is enlightenment possible for such as I?"'To be liberated from suffering you must first understand what suffering is'. Sri Bhagavan says, "Suffering is nothing but the continuous thought processing that happens in the mind over an event or incident of the past. Suffering is nothing but the 'carry over' of the past events of our life.There are two kinds of people who have walked on these sands, enlightened and unenlightened. Enlightened ones are those who are 'ordinary' and unenlightened are those who are 'extraordinary' (extra suffering). An enlightened one, does not suffer because he is constantly living in the present, experiencing every bit of what life is offering him. But for those who are unenlightened, life itself is reduced to nothing but suffering.To be aware is to be enlightened. The whole purpose of life itself is to live life moment to moment. If one observes the thought process in oneself, then it can easily be discovered that the 'CARRY OVER' is the suffering. For instance, there were two friends who were very close right from their childhood. Out of sheer misunderstanding, they landed in a bitter quarrel and they broke up. The fight by itself is nothing but mere 'calling names'. But it doesn't end there, the event continues to plague the mind, be it at kitchen, office, watching TV or even at a party! It follows… It continues. The suffering springs only when our mind indulges in unnecessary thoughts about living in past or future, without living in the present. This constant commentary or dialogue in the mind is the cause for all suffering, where even after an event has ended, it is continued within where we still talk to the other person, who has hurt us.
An enlightened person experiences everything, which makes his life rich, eternal and ever fresh, but for an unenlightened, life is mechanical and repetitive, hence boring. One who is enlightened enjoys the ice cream whereas one who is unenlightened does not enjoy the ice cream because he would be busy with the question – who made the ice cream? Which factory? Which cow's milk? Which grass did the cow ate? One who is living will never question the purpose of life. Why would he! He is only experiencing.Now the question is how to end this unnecessary thought process. Any effort in this direction is a futile endeavour, because any effort to silence the mind would only create more noise - "THOUGHT CANNOT END THOUGHT".Buddha was Buddha not because he read books. Venkataramana didn't become Ramana Maharishi because he attended religious discourses. Enlightenment is something that is beyond the purview of the mind. It is not transformation within the mind; Enlightenment is a state where you transcend the mind and its limitations. Such a happening is a benediction."To experience is to believe.' Enlightenment is a benediction bestowed today upon thousands by Sri Bhagavan and Sri Padmavathi Devi.Come! Alive into the waters of immense grace and experience, because….."Man cannot make it on His own … It has to be given to Him."
Receive Diksha (Deeksha) Distance Healing and Oneness Blessing withSolomon Faber11886 Paddock Lane, Grass Valley, CA 95949
- Bhagavan on Carry Over -T
A Sadhak once asked his teacher, "Master, Why can't I remain peaceful, in spite of doing so many spiritual sadhanas. Why can't I be devoid of suffering in spite of reading so many spiritual books and listening to religious discourses? Is enlightenment possible for such as I?"'To be liberated from suffering you must first understand what suffering is'. Sri Bhagavan says, "Suffering is nothing but the continuous thought processing that happens in the mind over an event or incident of the past. Suffering is nothing but the 'carry over' of the past events of our life.There are two kinds of people who have walked on these sands, enlightened and unenlightened. Enlightened ones are those who are 'ordinary' and unenlightened are those who are 'extraordinary' (extra suffering). An enlightened one, does not suffer because he is constantly living in the present, experiencing every bit of what life is offering him. But for those who are unenlightened, life itself is reduced to nothing but suffering.To be aware is to be enlightened. The whole purpose of life itself is to live life moment to moment. If one observes the thought process in oneself, then it can easily be discovered that the 'CARRY OVER' is the suffering. For instance, there were two friends who were very close right from their childhood. Out of sheer misunderstanding, they landed in a bitter quarrel and they broke up. The fight by itself is nothing but mere 'calling names'. But it doesn't end there, the event continues to plague the mind, be it at kitchen, office, watching TV or even at a party! It follows… It continues. The suffering springs only when our mind indulges in unnecessary thoughts about living in past or future, without living in the present. This constant commentary or dialogue in the mind is the cause for all suffering, where even after an event has ended, it is continued within where we still talk to the other person, who has hurt us.
An enlightened person experiences everything, which makes his life rich, eternal and ever fresh, but for an unenlightened, life is mechanical and repetitive, hence boring. One who is enlightened enjoys the ice cream whereas one who is unenlightened does not enjoy the ice cream because he would be busy with the question – who made the ice cream? Which factory? Which cow's milk? Which grass did the cow ate? One who is living will never question the purpose of life. Why would he! He is only experiencing.Now the question is how to end this unnecessary thought process. Any effort in this direction is a futile endeavour, because any effort to silence the mind would only create more noise - "THOUGHT CANNOT END THOUGHT".Buddha was Buddha not because he read books. Venkataramana didn't become Ramana Maharishi because he attended religious discourses. Enlightenment is something that is beyond the purview of the mind. It is not transformation within the mind; Enlightenment is a state where you transcend the mind and its limitations. Such a happening is a benediction."To experience is to believe.' Enlightenment is a benediction bestowed today upon thousands by Sri Bhagavan and Sri Padmavathi Devi.Come! Alive into the waters of immense grace and experience, because….."Man cannot make it on His own … It has to be given to Him."
Receive Diksha (Deeksha) Distance Healing and Oneness Blessing withSolomon Faber11886 Paddock Lane, Grass Valley, CA 95949
Sunday, May 4, 2008
WHY The Oneness Temple Consecration Function Called Off????
Hello There,
Now we all know about what happened at Oneness Temple…
Some info is Genuine & rest is Rumors…
Well…. Whatever the Truth might be…
It Will soon come out!!
The Questions which I've been getting in emails & heard from people so far are:-
What did AmmaBhagavan say about the stampede on April 22nd?What is their explanation to the entire world for that incident on 22nd?
If They already know that this would happen(as they are divine beings). Then why did they say that people would have thunderous miracles in their livesand great transformations would occur just by entering into the Temple and create that much hype?
These questions are FACTS which have no answers YET..
But what is the ACTUAL FACT?
Why did this happened at first place??
& various other Questions Like these which might lessen our faith from ONENESS & Amma Bhagwan.
Well…Here I am today;
Trying to reply to your MIND's Questions…
The "MIND" that is the HUMAN MIND is good in logic;
It's a good justifier & is analytical.
It always tries to find a "Reason" for everything & it is satisfied only when something is PROVED in our DIMENSION.
Now, I don't completely deny or disagree with the questions raised by people…
Even I had booked my tickets & was all set to go for the oneness temple opening
Then when I heard about this incident I was upset…
especially with the news about the death of the people…
Hence, to calm down…
I meditated that day… I asked my antaryamin (Holy Spirit) about this…
Then I got the answer to all my questions…
The Answer was:-
Jesus Christ Says, "The Son of Man is the farmer who plants the good seed. The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom. The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. The enemy who planted the weeds among the wheat is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels.
"Just as the weeds are sorted out and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the world. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will remove from his Kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. And the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace,where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father's Kingdom. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!
In other words… a "Filtration Process"
If you are able to understand the meaning of the above Para of Christ…
You might have already got the answer!
If not...
Then read on….
Some one Quoted this:-
"This happened only because of creating more unnecessary publicity and because of the failure of Dasas(so called divine beings) in PLANNING the event."
Unnecessary publicity??? ?...
Another Problem of our So called "Intellectual Mind" is…
When we are asked to "PAY" for something
We ask…
"Why are you taking money for these spiritual things??"
"Why don't you give us enlightenment without taking money?"
"Why does Oneness University asks for Money for the courses, deeksha etc??"
This time since it was an important event we all waited for since so many years or should I say Lifetimes…
Hence, It was "Free" for all &since it was a "FREE ENTRY" All thought to take the advantage of this!!
All booked the TICKETS...Rooms in MOTELS/HOTELS, etc
We all like the "F" WORD!!
That is the word "FREE"
If you were asked to Pay some Amount of Rupees or Dollars here,
The number of people would have been less!!!
So, even if it's FREE…
We all have the PROBLEM with EXCESSIVE CROWD or somethingor the other reason!!
& if we are asked to PAY...
We don't want to PAY!!
Do you see the MIND GAME Here????
Someone asked….
"Why do you say that "we didn't expect those many people"?
You could have directly said to the media that it is AmmaBhagavan' s will that some people should die and many should get injured on the inaugural day."
Yes, those many people weren't really expected…
Those who say that the dasas (guides) & sevaks weren't able to handle the situation…
Well, let me ask you this… if you feel so bad about this situation…
Will you come as a representative & volunteer to handle the crowd next time when there are darshans at oneness temple???
If your answer is"YES"…….GREAT!!!!
If "NO" or "Not Sure" then at least don't Comment on things, because it's easy to CRITICIZE then to ACT…
Its not easy to handle a crowd of more then5,000,00 to 10,00,000 people!!!
& if you think that it is Amma Bhagavan's will that some people should die and many should get injured on the inaugural day..
Well If that's the case..
We might soon have WORLD WAR 3 & DOOMS DAY!!
Because if GOD wants HUMANS to DIE… then this will soon happen!
But I guess the concept of Shri Amma bhagwan is to SAVE Humanity!
However, if the Consciousness doesn't increase overall in this world..
We will have to face the consequences…
(Many Prophecies are there to PROVE that)
Now, if you ask me…
"What did AmmaBhagavan say about the stampede on April 22nd?What is their explanation to the entire world for that incident on 22nd?"
I honestly don't know what's the answer!!
But the problem is that we all EXPECT Miracleswhich are Out Of the WORLD!!
Well.. Yes AMMA BHAGWAN CAN DO THE MIRACLES &THEY have supernatural powers,etc….
But those who ask
"They already know that this would happen(as they are divine beings). Then why did they say that people would have thunderous miracles in their livesand great transformations would occur just by entering into the Temple and create that much hype?"
I would say…
Even Lord Rama didn't know that Ravana will come & take away Sita…
Even Jesus never knew that he will be crucified…
The matter of Fact is...
Even if they knew that it would happen...
They would have never revealed it…
Because it was a divine plan,
A Divine GAME!
Something which a normal HUMAN cannot comprehend.
We all should understand that they were all"AVTARS"
& so are Amma bhagwan!
An Avatar is "Manifestation of GOD in a human Body"
Like a "NARAYANA" becomes narayana with the help of all the naras.
Similarly, even amma bhagwan are depended on Human consciousness in whole…
Which means that yours, mine & everyone's consciousness counts!
They have supernatural powers but they too have to SUFFER because of HUMAN KARMA..
Since they are in a HUMAN BODY…
We Expect GOD to Make us millionaire in just few days!!
(As if GOD is an ATM machine!!)
All things being said…
I would again like to come to the same point with which I started..
The question over here is not of what happened... Why did it happened… what's the next plan…??
The question here is…
After April 22nd's incident,
Most of the devotees across the globe are in a "Break downsituation"
Not because of this incident…
But due to some other reason which cannot be explained or which they themselves aren't aware of.
The question to be asked here is…
(Kamavimochan means clearing or cleansing of HUMAN KARMAS)
To add to my earlier explanation about the filtration process,
Here are two more Parables of Jesus.
Jesus says by the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the look out for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!
Parable of the Fishing Net
"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind. When the net was full,they dragged it up onto the shore, sat down, and sorted the good fish into crates, but threw the bad ones away. That is the way it will be at the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked people from the righteous, throwing the wicked into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Do you understand all these things?"
I guess,
The Filtration process is going on here…
Only those with TRUE DEVOTION & FAITH IN GOD& in ONENESS Will now be there with Amma Bhagwan…
But on the JUDGMENT DAY…
It will be GODS WISH!!
I don't know if I have answered your questions or not..
I don't know your reaction after reading this article…
It wont matter to anyone what you think because it's just your"Perception"
However, I would like to hear from you on this….
Let me know…
Always at the lotus feet of Shri Amma & Bhagwan.
Now we all know about what happened at Oneness Temple…
Some info is Genuine & rest is Rumors…
Well…. Whatever the Truth might be…
It Will soon come out!!
The Questions which I've been getting in emails & heard from people so far are:-
What did AmmaBhagavan say about the stampede on April 22nd?What is their explanation to the entire world for that incident on 22nd?
If They already know that this would happen(as they are divine beings). Then why did they say that people would have thunderous miracles in their livesand great transformations would occur just by entering into the Temple and create that much hype?
These questions are FACTS which have no answers YET..
But what is the ACTUAL FACT?
Why did this happened at first place??
& various other Questions Like these which might lessen our faith from ONENESS & Amma Bhagwan.
Well…Here I am today;
Trying to reply to your MIND's Questions…
The "MIND" that is the HUMAN MIND is good in logic;
It's a good justifier & is analytical.
It always tries to find a "Reason" for everything & it is satisfied only when something is PROVED in our DIMENSION.
Now, I don't completely deny or disagree with the questions raised by people…
Even I had booked my tickets & was all set to go for the oneness temple opening
Then when I heard about this incident I was upset…
especially with the news about the death of the people…
Hence, to calm down…
I meditated that day… I asked my antaryamin (Holy Spirit) about this…
Then I got the answer to all my questions…
The Answer was:-
Jesus Christ Says, "The Son of Man is the farmer who plants the good seed. The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom. The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. The enemy who planted the weeds among the wheat is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels.
"Just as the weeds are sorted out and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the world. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will remove from his Kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. And the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace,where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father's Kingdom. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!
In other words… a "Filtration Process"
If you are able to understand the meaning of the above Para of Christ…
You might have already got the answer!
If not...
Then read on….
Some one Quoted this:-
"This happened only because of creating more unnecessary publicity and because of the failure of Dasas(so called divine beings) in PLANNING the event."
Unnecessary publicity??? ?...
Another Problem of our So called "Intellectual Mind" is…
When we are asked to "PAY" for something
We ask…
"Why are you taking money for these spiritual things??"
"Why don't you give us enlightenment without taking money?"
"Why does Oneness University asks for Money for the courses, deeksha etc??"
This time since it was an important event we all waited for since so many years or should I say Lifetimes…
Hence, It was "Free" for all &since it was a "FREE ENTRY" All thought to take the advantage of this!!
All booked the TICKETS...Rooms in MOTELS/HOTELS, etc
We all like the "F" WORD!!
That is the word "FREE"
If you were asked to Pay some Amount of Rupees or Dollars here,
The number of people would have been less!!!
So, even if it's FREE…
We all have the PROBLEM with EXCESSIVE CROWD or somethingor the other reason!!
& if we are asked to PAY...
We don't want to PAY!!
Do you see the MIND GAME Here????
Someone asked….
"Why do you say that "we didn't expect those many people"?
You could have directly said to the media that it is AmmaBhagavan' s will that some people should die and many should get injured on the inaugural day."
Yes, those many people weren't really expected…
Those who say that the dasas (guides) & sevaks weren't able to handle the situation…
Well, let me ask you this… if you feel so bad about this situation…
Will you come as a representative & volunteer to handle the crowd next time when there are darshans at oneness temple???
If your answer is"YES"…….GREAT!!!!
If "NO" or "Not Sure" then at least don't Comment on things, because it's easy to CRITICIZE then to ACT…
Its not easy to handle a crowd of more then5,000,00 to 10,00,000 people!!!
& if you think that it is Amma Bhagavan's will that some people should die and many should get injured on the inaugural day..
Well If that's the case..
We might soon have WORLD WAR 3 & DOOMS DAY!!
Because if GOD wants HUMANS to DIE… then this will soon happen!
But I guess the concept of Shri Amma bhagwan is to SAVE Humanity!
However, if the Consciousness doesn't increase overall in this world..
We will have to face the consequences…
(Many Prophecies are there to PROVE that)
Now, if you ask me…
"What did AmmaBhagavan say about the stampede on April 22nd?What is their explanation to the entire world for that incident on 22nd?"
I honestly don't know what's the answer!!
But the problem is that we all EXPECT Miracleswhich are Out Of the WORLD!!
Well.. Yes AMMA BHAGWAN CAN DO THE MIRACLES &THEY have supernatural powers,etc….
But those who ask
"They already know that this would happen(as they are divine beings). Then why did they say that people would have thunderous miracles in their livesand great transformations would occur just by entering into the Temple and create that much hype?"
I would say…
Even Lord Rama didn't know that Ravana will come & take away Sita…
Even Jesus never knew that he will be crucified…
The matter of Fact is...
Even if they knew that it would happen...
They would have never revealed it…
Because it was a divine plan,
A Divine GAME!
Something which a normal HUMAN cannot comprehend.
We all should understand that they were all"AVTARS"
& so are Amma bhagwan!
An Avatar is "Manifestation of GOD in a human Body"
Like a "NARAYANA" becomes narayana with the help of all the naras.
Similarly, even amma bhagwan are depended on Human consciousness in whole…
Which means that yours, mine & everyone's consciousness counts!
They have supernatural powers but they too have to SUFFER because of HUMAN KARMA..
Since they are in a HUMAN BODY…
We Expect GOD to Make us millionaire in just few days!!
(As if GOD is an ATM machine!!)
All things being said…
I would again like to come to the same point with which I started..
The question over here is not of what happened... Why did it happened… what's the next plan…??
The question here is…
After April 22nd's incident,
Most of the devotees across the globe are in a "Break downsituation"
Not because of this incident…
But due to some other reason which cannot be explained or which they themselves aren't aware of.
The question to be asked here is…
(Kamavimochan means clearing or cleansing of HUMAN KARMAS)
To add to my earlier explanation about the filtration process,
Here are two more Parables of Jesus.
Jesus says by the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the look out for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!
Parable of the Fishing Net
"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind. When the net was full,they dragged it up onto the shore, sat down, and sorted the good fish into crates, but threw the bad ones away. That is the way it will be at the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked people from the righteous, throwing the wicked into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Do you understand all these things?"
I guess,
The Filtration process is going on here…
Only those with TRUE DEVOTION & FAITH IN GOD& in ONENESS Will now be there with Amma Bhagwan…
But on the JUDGMENT DAY…
It will be GODS WISH!!
I don't know if I have answered your questions or not..
I don't know your reaction after reading this article…
It wont matter to anyone what you think because it's just your"Perception"
However, I would like to hear from you on this….
Let me know…
Always at the lotus feet of Shri Amma & Bhagwan.
Click here to see AMAZING photos of countless Golden Balls of Grace descending upon the Golden City last night! One Dasa told us they are not "orbs" which have souls in them. They are Golden Balls of Grace - they are Balls of Oneness Blessing/Deeksha! No one has ever seen so many...
In the Service of the Divine,
Helping Humanity Awaken into Oneness!
"The highest of states is the state of seva (selfless service offered to the divine). The spirit of seva is in-built into every insight, realization, mystical experience and mukti (liberation, freedom). It is the spirit that drives you to share with the world what has been given to you."
– Amma
In the Service of the Divine,
Helping Humanity Awaken into Oneness!
"The highest of states is the state of seva (selfless service offered to the divine). The spirit of seva is in-built into every insight, realization, mystical experience and mukti (liberation, freedom). It is the spirit that drives you to share with the world what has been given to you."
– Amma
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