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Monday, November 10, 2008

About Karma?

Q) How to be free of karma?
You can not become free of Karma totally because it is not your Karma and moreover there is no YOU at all in the first place. I told you the "Self" is only an illusion, it can just disappear. So how could there be your karma?Now, often, you find that you are being distracted by various thoughts. Just like we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide; we breathe in thoughts and we breathe out thoughts. There is the thought sphere which contains all the thoughts of people who have lived from last 11 thousand years. All their experiences, ideas, views etc. are stored here. This is called Human karma. This human karma is flowing through you. Like, for example, you are living in the city of Chennai that is polluted; you have to breathe in that polluted air. You can not escape it or be free of it. So, it is this Man's karma that is influencing you all the time. But then can man be free of all the present karma accumulated in all these thousands of years? Yes, it is possible!Now, where do you think the thought sphere is stored? These thoughts are stored in the earth's magnetic field. Whatever has happened in the last 11 thousand years is stored here. I told you about Schumann's resonance (earth's heart beat) which used to be 7.8 cycles per second and has now become 11 cycles per second and if you work mathematically, in the year 2012 it is going to be 13 cycles per sec. and, when this happens the earth's magnetic field would vanish or would become very, very weak for about 3 days. Now, we have the earth's core which is rotating and that is responsible for the magnetic field. The earth itself is passing through what is called the photon belt, which is what is slowing it down. So, it will slow down and probably come to zero when the earth's resonance is 13 cycles/sec. and then it would start rotating again, but in the opposite direction. Has this happened before? Yes, we have plenty of fossil evidence to show that this has happened almost every 11 thousand years. And more so, almost all the ancient scriptures of the world from India to Tibet, China to South America to Central America…All speak of this phenomenon. Now suppose, you are programming the computer and there is a power failure, the entire program is deleted. That is why you have the uninterrupted power supply, the U.P.S. Just the same way, when the earth's resonance reaches 13 cycles per second; there is some kind of power failure and the magnetic field vanishes and when the magnetic field vanishes the thoughts stored there also would vanish. With that, all the records of 11 thousand years go away. When this happens, man would become free of karma. This has happened many times and there are scriptures that speak about this. But now even if you are enlightened, you are not going to be free of karma. Even Ramana or you must breathe in the same air. The only difference is Ramana doesn't suffer psychologically as his "self" has dissolved. But for karma to dissolve completely and not come back, a minimum of 60,000 people must have become enlightened by 2012.
You have to do sadhana until a point. This Sadhana we call No Sadhana. The Technical word in the Dharma is No Sadhana – Sadhana. Why do we call it that way? As far as we are concerned, there are two beings inside you – one is the authentic being and the other is inauthentic being. These two are always having a dialogue. Now you have the option of being authentic or being inauthentic. Let us say a visitor comes to your house, whom you don't like. Now, the authentic being can very well say – "Sir, I don't like you, please don't enter my house." That is one stand that you can take i.e. being authentic. The other stand is "Sir, Please welcome, welcome, how nice of you to come." That is the inauthentic stand. Now there is a third thing that is possible. Whether you are authentic or inauthentic, that is your business, what we are saying is there is a third being who is a witness to the whole thing, who makes no comments, who does not say you must be authentic or inauthentic , he is just witnessing the whole thing like witnessing a movie. Now this witness can be created in a matter of 21 days through a little effort. So all that we want is, we want you to create this witness and to witness the dramas that is going on all the time, 24 hours of the day. This dialogue is going on in some form or the other. Now witnessing this drama is what we call as Sadhana. This is the one and only Sadhana, which we have in the Dharma. But the Sadhana is so enjoyable, it gives you so much Ananda and joy that we don't want to call it Sadhana, therefore we say NO SADHANA. It becomes "No Sadhana Sadhana". Sadhana means where you put in some effort and struggle. But, Ashrama means no shrama at all. Similarly here, this as a strange kind of Sadhana where there is no strain and effort. Once you get a hang of it, thereafter you keep on doing it very naturally all time and whatever is happening irrespective of the dialogue and the content you will enjoy. Now the dialogue can be of jealousy and anger, the inauthentic side might be trying be jealous, the authentic side might be telling 'look you are trying to be jealous', the inauthentic side might be giving excuses "No No No it's proper and its fine". Whatever is happening we are not bothered. The contents of your mind are not important to us. How you perceive it is our question. Do you perceive it in a neutral way, not taking sides, just watching what's going on? If you do that to us it is Sadhana, it gives you tremendous joy. Once you have learnt to just watch all the thoughts, comments, anger, selfishness, ego, fear, etc. in your mind without distorting it, then you will be called to go through a special process, which is the transfer of grace. We would actually work on your physical brain, but which the dialogue is stopped. "The cessation of the dialogue is what is called Enlightenment." If just witnessing the dialogue is Ananda then the complete cessation of the dialogue is Paramananda. It would become a permanent state. You will be fully functional, you will be in the world, and you will not give up whatever you are doing. Yet you will experience Paramananda. When you drink a glass of water you can not describe what is the joy involved in it!!! Talking to your wife would be the greatest experience. All that is will be the same. There is no change in it, only the way you experience it becomes totally different, even the dialogue stops. But for the process to be done you have start witnessing the dialogue. You have to get there. For that my teachings would help you. If you get there, then you are ready for our process, they will invite you here, you will have to come here for 15 to 20 days. And then we will stop the dialogue and the results are very physical. When you are looking at the tree for example, it would be looking very different to you, when you breathe it would be different, everything would be different, and that is how you are designed to be. That is the job if the DNA to have done that kind of thing, but the DNA has failed. I am a kind of 'of a mechanic', who is an engineer who is doing some kind of a repair, getting the DNA to do its job.If you were to speak in very technical terms the brain is rearranged. If you want to be like a Ramana Maharshi, you can never be, because Ramana's brain was different, you can not be Eistein, as Einstein's brain is different, Buddha is different, Ramakrishna, Buddha, JD Krishnamurthy or Christ, you are not going to be a Buddha; you are not going to be a Christ. Try as you might, you can never get it. All that you can get is you can get more clarify into your life and possibly you might want to get that state. Even if you stand on your head for million years, you are not going to get it, because it is not a psychological process it is purely a biological process. You can do nothing. That's why I keep telling people not to waste time by reading books, you will be reading and reading you will get no where, it will build more conflict in you, you want to get there but you cannot, what is the point? You can read Sri Aurobindo for years but you are not going to become Sri Aurobindo. He is different. So you have to be made different like him. What I am saying. "Look, come I'll make you different." I will do it. That is where I differ from other teachers is, they depend on a teaching. Well I too give a teaching but the teaching is directed and helping you to watch this dialogue that's all and then no teaching can help you. It has to be given to you because you put it on yourself and going to somebody who can do it. Then you realize your full potential as a human being. What is there in your life you tell me? It's a mediocre life. Even if you occupy very high positions, like itself is mediocre isn't it?There is fear, anger, anxiety and violence all like anybody else. There is much more to life. Otherwise what is there? Everyday you will be planning, are you living in the present? Certainly not. Everyday is planning, planning, planning. There is nothing wrong in planning but you are not experiencing life. You are not experiencing your breathing, your walk, drinking a glass of water etc. It's the most wonderful experiences. So the human being really does not live a true life. He does sorrow management, he escapes his problems, he never confronts himself, and this is how people live. All this, you would call enjoyment, I wouldn't call enjoyment, it is very different. What you have succeeded is in managing basic suffering. The core of your being is nothing but fear, loneliness, and emptiness. You are tying to fill this up by attaining name, fame, money etc. I am not criticizing that. I myself help people do that. That's why I operate on 2 fronts. I help people in their business, getting their children married. On the other side after fulfilling those things, now I say, have a look at this now. After all in Hinduism we have Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksha. It is Artha for Moksha, Dharma for Moksha and Kama for Moksha. But today Artha – money is only for maney's sake or for fulfillment of the desire or just being Dharmic and being righteous for the sake of being righteous, there is no use. You all have to get connected there. That is what we are trying to do.
Why future is influenced by past?
We are basically creating our future. Mind is creating the future. Now, what is mind? It is thought. What is thought? Thought is Memory and memory is nothing but past experiences. So, past is flowing though the present and the future. If there is no memory, there is no thought, no mind and if there is no mind then there is no future also. There is no other way to think except thought and thought is memory that is nothing but the PAST. If you understand this process you can prevent the mistakes of the past creating themselves. That's why it is very important to know, to be aware of what is going on in your mind. Whatever is happening in the outside world, sickness, diseases, failures etc. are all the manifestations of the past. If we want to create a positive future then the past patterns and conditioning have to be broken and a new set of patterns must emerge within us. This is what is done in a Samskara Shuddhi. Amma and I help (mystically) in relieving the past traumas and in healing them and ultimately putting in a new script that is auspicious.

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